Don't you just love it when...

Pmsl if I was your OH id hide your bank cards.

So funny about the prawns you should ask him to order you a crate specially for you lol. Yeah shopping tomorrow cant wait just hate OH moaning that I take ages hehe.

Hows the little one? he looks chirpy in the pic xx

Well after asda I had a nail appointment so I got them done then came home was dying for a cup of tea so lefty messages in the boot then hubby went out and I sneaked them in Hahahaha !!

He's back to his happy self he's eaten properly since tea time yesterday ;-)
Think he may be fine for nursery tomorrow and I might finally treat myself to new BRAS no food at all tho.

Good idea about the prawn situation lol

Leave hubby in the car whist you shop in peace Haha !!

God the rain is awful here so luck it never came a few hours earlier would have spoilt HALLOWEEN XxX
He comes with me to push the trolley and carry the bags hun Id normally do it but the least little bit pressure hurts my back ( i always seem to manage to find the trolley with the dodgy wheel)

Lol your sly hiding the shopping thats like something I do with clothes hehe
Glad the little one is loads better x
He comes with me to push the trolley and carry the bags hun Id normally do it but the least little bit pressure hurts my back ( i always seem to manage to find the trolley with the dodgy wheel)

Lol your sly hiding the shopping thats like something I do with clothes hehe
Glad the little one is loads better x

Ohhh here is your mate I ALWAYS GET the DODGEY trolly Grrrrrr everywhere I go !!

Awww he's good I hate when you have no control over a heavy trolly !!

I know i know
but it keeps them from moaning haha

We're you off to tomorrow asda ?
Ha ha -bet he still didn't have a relevant question to ask at that point! ;)

Nope, he just proceeded to tell me how much I'll get if he dies in service, lol.

I have just had a lovely time with my kiddies for Halloween and I never had one sweet or piece if choc or Chinese at my cousins house instead I had my tea before I went
Which was a big prawn stir fry
And had all my fruit chopped up waiting for me to get home too I give myself 10/10 tonight yayyyy!!

Here's my two handsome chaps ;-)

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Awwwwww, what sweeties, I love the way they stand flush against the wall, brill x
Im gonna watch stenders @ 10.30 cos I was out taxiing so just caught up on the dale and corries :D

Ohhh I'm just about to watch eastenders did you see last nights :-0 can't wait to find out what happened ill let you know before half 10 just kidding I hate when someone does that haha X