Don't you just love it when...

Everyone is still sleeping!! And I've not long just woke... Connor had a feed at 8am and we fell back asleep :)

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Oh bliss Jess. Tell me your secret!
I have a few lol

DYJLIW - your off work and have a lovely lie in and wake to sunshine :D
- your off work and your daughter (and bump) are coming to see you for lunch :D
- your new Iphone is being delivered today!! :D
Aww how lovely!! Xx

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I thought so too x

Ahhhh that's really nice! :):):):)

Yep it is xx

Ahh glad you liked it Michelle, just don't tell anyone it was sex bomb or they will start to talk lol x

Lol, you'll notice I didn't mention the song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx

Dyjliw you're brave enough to get a fringe!! X

And it looks amazing, such a wonderful cut x

I have a few lol

DYJLIW - your off work and have a lovely lie in and wake to sunshine :D
- your off work and your daughter (and bump) are coming to see you for lunch :D
- your new Iphone is being delivered today!! :D

Awwwwwwww what a fab day x