Gold Member
When you can finally have a bath rather than just a shower....bliss Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins.com
Yayyy enjoy lovely. X
When you can finally have a bath rather than just a shower....bliss Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins.com
Thank you. I'd of added myself but morning hair,, face and Pjs! Lol xHe is beautiful, lovely picture x
When you can finally have a bath rather than just a shower....bliss
Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins.com
You break up for 6 weeks
DYJLIW you OH texts and email you clues for a couple of days of something he has left in the house for you.When you eventually find it.It's a new camera just in time for your 5 weeks off.
Dyjliw you break up from work today for a week and have lots of things to look forward to in your week off when celebrating turning 40.....whoop whoop!
DYJLIW it's thundering and lightening.Love watching the lightening.
DYJLIW you're feeling motivated and back on track
...it's weigh day! Looking forward to the first WI at my new group tonight xx