Ahh that's brill Kathy! How is she doing now? How did things work out re the break up? x
Unfortunately, Emsie, she's still with him, even after saying to me that she could never stay with someone who had treated her so cruelly (emotionally)! I think part lf the reason is because she's stuck up in Aberdeen, at the uni, with hardly any funds (I help out where poss but a Teaching Assistant's wage is pretty rubbish) and so she's staying at his father's place. His Dad's out of the country nearly all year so 'the boyfriend' lives there. I know getting this Masters is a huge thing for her and she doesn't want to jeopardise things so probably feels a bit trapped. Another thing I'm wondering is that, apart from his unfounded jealousy, they have so much in common and she thought she'd found her soul-mate. Think he may have charmed her around again. She is usually so level headed so can't believe she's given him another chance!
The weird thing is, after all the heart-ache over Christmas and into January, where she wasn't eating properly, sobbing in my arms when she was home and being totally bewildered by the situation - she's now carrying on with him, without mentioning anything at all to me about how it's been resolved, so now I'm the one left feeling bewildered! Every time I think about it, I can't move on in my head. I can just remember her incoherent voice down the phone on Dec. 23rd, saying he'd finished with her, saying he'd stood in front of her while she was sobbing and standing there like an emotionless statue. I think about how she spent the 23rd in a Travelodge, instead of having their first Christmas alone (which they'd both been carefully planning out - menus, etc), about how he dared tell her she wore too much make-up even!! That very personal attack on her appearance cut really deeply with me! As if he's a sodding oil painting!!
Anyway, I think she's coming home for a short while soon so think I'll try to ask her how she's managed to move past this (especially with it not being the first time). Whether she'll open up to me, I don't know but I just hate him and don't know how I could bear to have him in my home again. He's been working in Sweden for the last couple of months - imagine if THAT was the other way around!!!!
Well, Emsie, after all that, I bet you wish you'd never asked!

I'm glad to read on your own thread that you're managing to fit some 'me' time in for yourself and that your Grandad is at home, too. xx