DYJLIW you stick to your plan of having something different for breakfast (I failed miserably yesterday) and have cheese on toast instead of your beloved shreddies!
Mrs.S. said:Omg another SVU nut here!! No box sets either mindbut I do have 46 episodes hogging all my sky+ space!
Still reckon benson and stabler are the best duo! But huang is our favourite of all! He is god! x
donna88 said:DYJLIW little one decides to make up a song about what a good helper he is and keeps running around singing it, yeah he's not actually helping but it makes you smile everytime he starts up again
He'll never grow out of that either just lose the tune!
DYJLIW you get home after a really crappy day in work and get to snuggle on the sofa with two of the most awesome dogs in the world!! My sister and her hubby are away for the night, so my 'nephews' have come to stay!!!
Meet Mowgli Naylor(the lab) and Buzz Naylor xxx
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