Well here we go with Phase 2, glad to say I'm feeling a bit better, still tired but not as exhausted as I've been or as achey, but wouldn't say I'm 100% yet never mind full of energy - but hopefully that's on it's way.
The good news is that after 5 days on Phase 1 I've lost 6¼ lbs, so I'm very pleased with that as I was hoping for 5 lbs and of course it's not a week yet, so a good start
The only new things I've added are dairy and had porridge for breakfast, so oats, and funnily enough I really didn't enjoy it, just tasted bland & I felt quite sick eating it and got through about half and gave the rest to hubby, which is odd as I've always liked porridge. It might have been the milk of course, but I don't think it was as even when I was cooking the porridge I didn't really fancy it. I read in the THD book that it's not a good idea to introduce wheat straight away if you have candida, and I think with all the bad symptoms I've had this week I do, plus I'm craving sugar so i think that's candida too rather than intolerance. So no shredded wheat this morning, which was what I really fancied and had porridge instead - not sure what I'll do tomorrow, may just have NLY.
I found some of the D&A sausages in Sainsbury's yesterday so bought those and had one after my lunch of red pepper soup and ooh it was lovely, I'm not a sausage fan as such, don't mind them but this was really nice - will be buying those again.
I had my first test today, I went to a funeral this morning and afterwards we went to the pub and I just had a mineral water - i didn't think I could cope with a wine midday after almost a week of abstinence, and then my friend I was with spotted the sign for Bailey's Latte's and said ooh lets have those, and I refrained as much as I would have liked one, but I've fought a caffeine headache all week and don't want another one just yet. There were so many people there that none of us felt like battling our way to the buffet, so I didn't have to worry over that either and came home around 3, not particularly hungry, just peckish and had some soup.
I had my first coffee though this morning, decaff with cream & I really enjoyed that, I didn't mind not having caffeine, but it was just nice to have that coffee taste back again.
So onwards and downwards, just hope the weight loss continues now as i think I can stick to this diet (she says optimistically

It's very quiet on here today - so hope everyone is ok and being good