Down with Spanx!

Hmm, I really must get back into the habit of updating this daily! I can feel my interest waning (not my motivation, still pretty much on track, just not as good at keeping records!) Maybe this is just how it will be now, SW is just second nature and has become 'just the way I eat!'

Wednesday: Green
Brekkie: Crunchy bran (HEB), ff yoghurt, strawberries
Lunch: Baked potato, beans, brown sauce (1 syn), banana
Dinner: Pasta, pesto (2.5 syns), tomatoes, leeks, mushrooms, chicken (HEB), cheese (HEA)
Snacks: Oops! Book club night... Crisps (10 syns?), wine (10 syns)

Syns today: 23.5

Thursday: Green
Brekkie: Crunchy bran (HEB), ff yoghurt, strawberries
Lunch: Parsnip soup, pasta'n'sauce
Dinner: Oven chips (6 syns), chicken (HEB), peas, bbq sauce (1 syn)

Syns today: 7

Week so far: 51.5
Hmmm, this dating lark is taking its toll on my weight loss! Only 0.5lb off this week - I'm putting that down to date night and book club nibbles!

Oh well, a loss is a loss! :eek:
Good start to a hopefully 100% week!

Sunday: EE
Brekkie: Crunchy bran (HEB), ff yoghurt, strawberries
Lunch: Banana, tangerine (out and about!)
Dinner: Noodles, stir fry veg, chicken, soy sauce
Snack: KitKat (5.5 syns)

Syns today: 5.5

Had a big wardrobe sort out today and put loads of stuff in bags for the charity shop. Hard to believe I've lost 5 clothes sizes, gone from a 24-26 on top and a 22-24 on the bottom to a 14-16 on top and 12-14 on the bottom!!! Woohoo! :D:D:D:D
*Sigh* another STS for me this week.

I think I've lost my mojo - largely because I've got a lot going on, but also because I'm nearly there... I remember last time I lost weight on SW and went to a group. I always wondered why people seemed to find it so hard to lose those last few pounds when they were so close to target.

Well, now I think I'm figuring it out:

  • My best friend and parents have been telling me not to lose any more weight, because my face is looking too thin (which I don't believe, but is obviously having an effect subconsciously!).
  • I've met my goal clothes size - 14-16 on top (those boobs!!) and 12-14 on the bottom.
  • I know I look so much better and can't believe a few more pounds will make much of a difference.
  • There are areas of my body where I don't want to lose any more (face, shoulders, calves)
  • I need to tone up my flabby bits - thighs, stomach - and am not very motivated to exercise!!!
  • I've got a really busy social calendar for December, with lots of opportunities to go off-plan!
I think all of these things are adding up to a point where I'm thinking there's no need to carry on - despite the other part of me that still wants to get into the 10s and possibly even the 9s!

So, I think that, to be sensible, I will aim to STS between now and new year and then get back on the bandwagon at that point... when that new year motivation kicks in! In between now and then, I will aim to be on plan at least 5 days a week and I will do my utmost to record my food here, so that I can keep myself on track!

Wish me luck! xxx

PS) Kenco - name change? have you moved house and are no longer a Surreygal?!!! :D:D:D
Grrrrrr. Just typed a post and lost it. I'll try and remember what I said.

I agree with your plan. The last few lbs will not make any significant difference to how you look however they WILL make a difference to very fitted clothes (I know from my holiday gain). So if your clothes fit fine and you feel happy then I think that sounds like a great idea.

Whatever you decide, remember what a fantastic achievement you have made.

How is the love life ?

Gail x

P.S. thanks for the heads up about Surreygals name change - I don't know that I would have spotted that (and will probably still forget !)
P.P.S. I have booked my first diving holiday since 2009. The last time I got in the water I was 17 and a half stone :)

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Oh, how annoying Gail - I have done that a few times myself and it always seems like it's the long posts that disappear!

Well done on your loss this week. Hope you are enjoying your hotel stay and managing to keep largely on plan!

Whoop! on the diving holiday! Just think how fantastic you will feel. I still look at that wetsuit pic and want to cry - but it's fabulous motivation to keep it up. I have discovered that a friend of mine is a diving instructor at a centre about five miles from me, so when I'm feeling rather more confident about appearing in front of someone I know in a swimming costume, I'm planning on having some more lessons! Determined to do my PADI one day - ideally with my son, who is a little fish!

Thank you for your support regarding my December plan. I feel better now that I'm not beating myself up over getting to target in the timeframe I set myself. I know that I will get there one day soon, but it doesn't really matter whether it's December, January, or even February! I feel fantastic now and that's what matters!

The love life is going well - it's been nice to spend time with someone who didn't know me before - almost like reinventing yourself! He can't understand why I just can't take a compliment tho' and I'm not going to be showing him any of my before photos any time soon!!! :D

So, Sunday started off the week well:
Sunday: Green
Brekkie: Crunchy bran (HEB), ff yoghurt, mixed berries
Lunch: Baked potato, beans, cheese (HEA)
Dinner: Chicken (HEB), potato and spinach curry (2 syns) with boiled rice
Snack: Mint KitKat (5.5 syns)
Syns today: 7.5
Having another couple of good days! It was my son's keyboard assembly at school this morning and I thought one of the other Mums was being a bit off with me, until after the assembly, when she saw my son come and give me a big hug... She then ran over and said 'Oh my God, I didn't recognise you until your son came over to you, I'm so sorry!' She asked me what I'd done to lose the weight, so I then spent 10 mins converting her to Slimming World (she's a failed WWer!) Another one for the cause!!!

Monday: Green
Brekkie: Crunchy bran (HEB), ff yoghurt, mixed berries
Lunch: Baked potato, beans, cheese (HEA)
Dinner: Chicken (HEB), spinach and potato curry (1.5 syns) with oven chips (6 syns)
Syns today: 7.5
Week so far: 15
OMG I just caught up with your diary - you've done amazingly well!!! I remember when I joined on here we were a similar weight, similar height and had a similar you can see from my stats I'm busy trying to regain my 3 stone award and you're on 5.5....can I just say OMG've done seriously well hun :) x

As for December I'd aim to stay the same if I were you, don't fret over those last few pounds as like you say, they're so hard to shift and notoriously easy to put back on when you're at that tipping point of the perfect weight for your build and height etc. This party season you'll be rocking any outfit you wear - picture yourself this time last year and think how much more you'll enjoy this xmas in contrast. Have a great one :)
I agree with your plan.Those last few pounds are always the hardest to shift.This time of year with all xmas parties and goodies:eek: also like you say there is no timeframe and you can relax.You will get there.I'm so pleased your lovelife is going well;)

Sorry to confuse about my username:cool: ha ha i haven't moved.x
Thanks Emmylou! Don't beat yourself up hun, you're doing really well too! The fab thing about SW is that it's a plan for life - with all its hiccups! You're right about not fretting - I'm in a much better frame of mind about it all this week! I am going to enjoy Christmas without going mad and get back on track in January - I figure after 18 months, I deserve a few weeks off!

Hi Kenco, and thanks! Your new username did throw me for a while, I thought we'd got a new 'princess' on the other thread! Sadly, my burgeoning lovelife meant another day off-plan with red wine on Tuesday - it's been easy to stay off the wine while I was single, as I would just offer to drive if going out and I never drink on my own at home, but the new bf came over last night and cooked for me - as well as bringing the wine!!! At least he was under strict instructions about the cooking, no cream, no bread, no oil...:D

Tuesday: Green
Brekkie: Crunchy bran (HEB), ff yoghurt, strawberries
Lunch: Baked potato, beans, cheese (HEA)
Dinner: Pasta, mushrooms, tomatoes, pesto (2.5 syns), cheese (HEA)
Evening: Half a bottle of red (15 syns), KitKat (5.5 syns)

Syns today: 23

Wednesday: Green
Brekkie: Crunchy bran (HEB), ff yoghurt, strawberries
Lunch: Baked potato, beans, cheese (HEA)
Dinner: Rice, chicken (HEB), spinach and potato curry (1 syn)
Snack: KitKat (5.5 syns)

Syns today: 6.5
Week so far: 44.5
WI this morning and lost 1lb. Really pleased with that after a weekend of excess - far too much red wine on Friday night, leading to a hangover craving for tiger bread bacon butties yesterday... :eek::eek::eek:

Good job I was good for the rest of the week!
I always crave a bacon sarnie when i've been drinking;) you can't beat them!! Well done on your loss:) you are a star.How lovely your new boyfriend came over and cooked for you and brought the wine win win!!!;) Thank you so much for all your support,it's helped so much keep me on track along the way.It's not easy is it.My journey is a long one but i'm chipping away at them pounds:eek:. Hope your having a nice weekend:) xxx
Thanks Kenco! But if I'm a star, then you must be a whole galaxy... You are a fantastic inspiration, I am in awe of your continuing success! Hope you have a lovely Christmas and an even better 2012! xxx

Well, I have been pretty good this week. Amazing how deciding to WI on Christmas morning has kept me (almost) on the straight and narrow! I have been tempted to fall off the wagon big time this week - the house is full of tempting treats, I've been out and about and having to try and make sensible choices - and by and large, I've done it. (Will gloss over last night's red wine consumption...!)

I had a sneaky peek at the scales yesterday morning and for the first time in 20+ years, I saw a 10! Ok, so it was 10st, 13.5lbs - but it was still a 10! I must have been really good this year and Santa decided to let me have my present early! It felt fantastic!

Now I'm not expecting to see a 10 tomorrow at WI, because of last night's red wine blow out, but at least I have seen it in 2011!!!

Hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas - will be here in the morning to report my WI!

Thank you to everyone for your fantastic support and friendship over 2011 - and good luck to us all for 2012! :D

Oh yes, meant to add that yesterday I walked home from the shops with my Christmas turkey. It felt really heavy and I had to keep swapping arms. It made me think - so I did a rough calculation and realised that I'd lost about 6.5 of those turkeys - really put it all in perspective! :eek::D
Did someone mention galaxy :eek::D;) my favourite chocolate lol;) Thank you so much for all your support. Hope you and your family have a fabulous christmas:) I'm posting after wi in the morning.This time of year the temptations are everywhere:eek: How fabulous seeing the 10's before xmas that is fantabulous !! Heres to a great new year :D xxx
Thanks Kenco! Funny how I thought about chocolate as soon as I typed galaxy too!!! :D

Hope you have a fantastic Christmas and an equally fabulous New Year! xxx

Very happy this morning to have retained my 10! 2lbs off at 10st 13.5lbs!!! WOOHOO!

Only 0.5lbs off my 6st shiny and 1.5lbs to go to target! I love SW!!!
Fantastic result Spanx. I am so proud of you :D. Thanks for being a great inspiration and hopefully some motivation for me to get back on track and follow you down :)

Happy Christmas.

Gail x

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Happy New Year everyone! Hope 2012 brings you happiness, fun and gets you to target! xxx

I'm reporting in with a well-deserved 2lbs gain this week - to be honest, it could have been worse, as I have eaten, drank and been merry most days over the Christmas week!

Interestingly though, after a few days of over-indulgence, my body revolted and insisted on a day of vegetable soup and salad! Never thought that would happen! :eek:

So, I'm back to being 3.5lbs from target and my goal is to get there this month... I will then reassess! :D

I also really need to up the exercise, so I am googling some stomach exercises that don't involve crunches (rubbish stomach muscles due to emergency c-section!)... if anyone has any good tips, please share!!! xxx
Hi Spanx

Happy new year x

I hope you don't mind, I have been having a nosy at your thread and have to say you have done absolutely brilliant and your photo's are amazing, you look great, x