I have to confess, I don't really know much about how CD works in practice. It is not like LL - totally SS for 100 days. There are certain times when you can eat a certain amount, but it all seems confusing to me. I think I would get mixed up and fall off the wagon! It seems to be less strict than LL, which is both a blessing (when you have social occasions) and a curse (knowing when to stop), I think.
I don't think there is a lot of difference really. We have the packs, bars, set drinks just as you do.
We do have the aam, which is set out in the book in exact portions and recommended on a VLCD diet. Also helps when we start maintenance.
The other bits as in this thread, I should imagine works for LL too. The difference here is we have CDCs on the forums, so people ask questions. It's easier to 'tackle' a CDC as to the whys and wherefores of why we can't have this and that.
In the end the poor CDCs have to contact headoffice and say "so why can't they have it?"
Head office look into in and often can see any reason, so probably reluctantly say "okay....but on your head be it"
As LLc's aren't allowed on the forums in a professional capacity, the questions don't flow so easily
There is the difference with the stabilisation plan. Not really sure what the LL one is like, but I get the feeling from what I've read that the Cambridge one seems stricter on that side.
It all balances in the end