Big Bird
Hello, hope you don't mind me joining. Have added myself to the list.Mrs Lmc (Laura) - 20 December 2013 (Team Yellow) Sarah_lou1981 (Sarah) - 6th January 2014 (Surprise) JoeyJoJo (Judith/Jo) - 13 January 2014 (Boy) Rachael78 (Rachael)-15th January 2014 (no idea) Pjallen1982 (Penny) - 20th January (team secret!) Amyk (Amy) 04th February - Boy NellyLou (Nat) - 14 February 2014 (Girl) PrincessPeach (Jess) - 16th February 2014 (Girl) Dubchick81 (Frances) - 20th February 2014 (they say girl.. I say boy.. So i'm sticking neutral) Kim26 (Kim) - 22 February 2014 (Team Yellow) Danni86 (Danni) - 25th February2014 (Boy) Shenzi - 6th April 2014 (Girl) Sammielouise071 (Sammie) - 18 April 2014 (Team Yellow) Jess<3 - EDD 2nd June 2014 (Team Yellow for now) emma237 -3rd June 2014 (Team Yellow for now) lil miss chatterbox - 17th June 2014 (Team yellow for now) mrs-s - 18th June 2014 (Team Yellow) jools1986 - 14th July 2014 (Team Yellow)
Congratulations! I'm one of alumni so will still be checking in to see how everyone gets on