Hey all thank you for your messages of support yesterday

So got home and was getting constant pains in my back and a then a contraction in my tummy every 30 mins or so, managed to doze from 1.30 till 6.30 but the contraction woke me up each time.. Was feeling pretty sorry for myself if I'm honest

Took tens machine off at 10 so I could have a bath and the back pain completely stopped!!? Have slept from about midnight till 5ish when I woke up with a contraction (manageable) and am still getting them every half an hour. Feeling surprisingly normal today which is so weird after yesterday. I think as I've had such a good sleep ill try and stay active and hope to get things moving. Also I think they said they will have to induce me tmrw as it will have been 48 hours since my waters went (even tho they weren't 100% that it was my waters)
Anyway Got a growth scan booked for 3pm so will see what happens there... X