Pregnant with Baby No 2!
that would be funny! Last 2 Sarahs could be very close
hows everyone going with their weight? Im mortified on what ive gained, all since the day i found out which explained that first week gain. I gained 2, sts, gain 2.5. but then my own fault as i ate everything in sight an gained 6.5lbLast night, was wi and gained 1.5lb which i only had 2 bad meals with having pasta tub from tescos and some chips yesterday!
Im so scared all my weight will return with the way things are going!!
It's hard isn't it x try not to worry. Everyone's pregnancies are different and everyone gains differently. I always think the first trimester really depends on whether you have sickness, or food aversions or not! If you're worried about your weight gain, then speak to a midwife hun or your GP. They could offer some advice on healthy gains during pregnancy and how to manage it. Just try not to panic about it. I'm not sure what plan you were on before, but SW is safe for pregnancy and there are a few of us on here following the "principles" of it, but still having the odd treats. I don't think we're worrying about the "max of 15 syns" too much - plus you have to have extra healthy extras - particularly "A". Although we are trying to manage the overall gain, we all understand that we are pregnant. There are things we will crave and sometimes - a piece of fruit or a salad just won't do! Plus, our bodies are going through so much that we're entitled to treats I think!!
Just try not to panic xx