Due Dates!!!

Oh really. Well I hope she changes. Remember how inaccurate growth scans are. Cole was meant to be a big baby and he was 7lb something. Same happened to many babies on here. Fingers crossed things improve z Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins.com

Yep, they induced me at 38 weeks because they kept saying Cole was a big baby, over 9lbs at my 36 week growth scan apparently. And he was born at 39+1 weighing 7.12.
Hope baby turns for you x
Thanks girls. I was a bit upset yesterday tbh. We had the growth scan cos bump hadn't actually got much bigger recently. Turns out the baby inside it had tho. Apparently she has a big head... I've got 3 weeks to get her to turn or I'll be in for a section. They don't try to turn babies out here or let u give birth naturally if they know baby is breech so I'm going to be crawling on my hands and knees and doing everything I can to get her to turn in the meantime!!

Good job I have some floors that need scrubbing!! Xx

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I used to lean forward on the floor over my birthing ball, think I had a lot of water so baby was always turning! He liked being transverse though.
Mine was always normal way from early on then my waters broke and he decided to be back to back, the contractions in my back was horrific I didn't feel any in my front, weres the bump piccies girls :)
Ouch they sound bad :-(

No bump for me yet, still just look like I've put weight on lol
my due date approaches tomorrow!!
am extremely impatient to meet my little girl now



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my due date approaches tomorrow!! am extremely impatient to meet my little girl now <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=161628"/>

Eek exciting!! Good luck :) it's my little boys first birthday tomorrow too x
Aw congratulations x

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Shez, how are you getting on?x
Congratulations ! Xx

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Congratulations!! X
Thanks so much. I'm not doing too badly thanks, 18 hours of labour, blood loss and a few stitches but she was a natural birth and a fair size so that's not surprising!!!

This is her now, 2 weeks and 3 days old

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Oh Shez, are you going mad with waiting?? I just know these last few weeks are going to absolutely drag for me and my little bundle will probably stay tucked up for as long as she can too!!!
Oh Shez, are you going mad with waiting?? I just know these last few weeks are going to absolutely drag for me and my little bundle will probably stay tucked up for as long as she can too!!!

yep not very patient at best of times lol :( last 2 weeks have been hard and its only gettin harder!!
hurry up little one!!!!!!!