Thanks Andi - personally, feels like a miracle!
Wheat Belly by Davis William - really, really interesting. (
Amazon Link)
Fascinating book about how removing wheat from your diet can reduce weight, change body shape and reverse a lot of medical issues. The first two sections are about what wheat does, and why it does it. Summary - the wheat we eat today, is VERY different from the wheat of our grandparents - and this is not a good thing. The last section is a diet - might be useful for some, but not for me.
I came away thinking that we had all been duped about the wholewheat revolution (eat brown bread, it's good for your heart) - and just how much better I felt really soon after starting Dukan. The biggest thing I removed from my diet was wheat (and some fat), and the effects went way beyond just losing those first few pounds (digestion, wind - sorry, even my manly 40 something year old skin looks brighter).
I have decided that however long I stay on Dukan, even when I reach my target weight -
the last thing I will introduce back to my diet, is wheat.
Maybe I am late to this way of thinking - but for me, this was a revelation.