Meh - missed my update yesterday, went shooting instead of sitting behind a PC!
Weighed in at 19st1lb - and the same today.... seem to be struggling to get below 19st and maintain it, but I am certain that kicking up the exercise will move me to the next level.
Went to meet my Personal Trainer yesterday evening - and I have my first session with him on Friday morning. Certainly my workout will change significantly, as he wants me to focus more on weight training, with a little Cardio work... usually I do 100% cardio, aiming to burn fat... but clearly it hasn't worked. Now the diet has kickstarted and consolidated the weightloss, a different approach to the gym could make a huge difference.
Plan is to see him two or three times a month - and do workouts myself inbetween - aiming to be in the gym 4 times a week for about 60 or 75 minutes.
Food wise - I am sticking pretty well to the PP/PV alternate days - still lots of chicken, steak and fish. Oatbran porridge every morning, and some ham mid morning (which I trick my brain into thinking is bacon). I keep to the 2 liters of water, apart from at the weekend where I don't seem to keep up with that... work is much is better for a routine.
Challenge for this week is to be back under the 19st mark in time for Christmas - I had promised myself to almost 'forget' the diet over the Christmas and New Year break - but I can't do that, and won't relax unless I have hit my target.