I know guys, thanks. Stayed the same this morning, despite being so blooming careful yesterday, but I've just had a 'moment' reading the recipe book that Pauline sent me.
In it Dr D quotes about salt and alcohol together and their water retention properties. That 1ltr of water weighs 2lb and two teaspoons of salt are enough to retain this water in the body tissues for a day or two. I mean, blimey 1 litre is a lot in the body.
Salt and Alchohol combine to slow down the throughput of the water drunk.
Now I don't drink alchohol as a rule, but I do occasionally use brandy in the chicken liver pate (most of it is cooked off). But I made a Baked Mussell recipe from the Dukan book itself, and he says use white wine, can't rem quantity, but it was about 120ml which is a small glass of water for me. Hardly any of it cooked off, and when I put it in the dish to cook the egg top, I had loads of it to drain away from the cooked dish before I even sat down to eat it. So goodness knows how much was still left.
I also added salt to that dish as its in the recipe, but because its egg, I ground a bit on the top when finished cooking to taste.....eggs and salt are always a combination for me, can't eat a boiled egg without a shake of it LOL.
So if I look at just that recipe, and apply the information he is telling me in the next book, then its contradicting information, in one book he is saying use wine, in the next don#t have alchohol !!! totally thrown me out. It might not just be that, but heck of a coincidence eh???
Anyhow, I am not too disheatened, annoyed yes, but I know that a few days of rightful dieting will put me on the track, really could do with it being a sliding track otherwise Monday's weigh in will look zero after a fantastic start to the week LOL.
I was up at 8 this morning, woke up and just thought, right I'm getting up, and leaving them all in bed. I think DD is up now but she's playing in her bedroom. I've made some more lemon curd, a batch of oopsie rolls for later, cooked my rhubarb for breakfast and just sat and ate my breakfast in peace. Very nice.
We've decided we are gonig to waste a fiver on some cheap fireworks from Asdam, we wasn't going to buy any because of finance situation, but we seem to have said no to a lot of things recently because of money, so after looking at the leaflet that came through the door we decided that a fiver wasn't too much. DD will love it. Need to get a few more bits from shopping too.
Isn;t it funny how prior to the diet if I ran out fo something it could wait till the next week, but now if I run out of something I need it straight away, garlic, sweetner, to name but two on the list. No way can it wait till Thursday....my food neeeeeedddsss them LOL.
Annoyed with asda this week though, went in on Thurs morning and couldn't find the Quark, spoke to two assistants and they both looked for me and considering there wasn't even a space on the shelf for it, they both came to conclusion it must have been deleted from the stock. DELETED!!!!!!! How dare they, we need it. Am hoping its just a week of non stock and that its there again next week. Had to drive to morrisons after asda just to go get some. Not on at all.