You're welcome sweetie,
put on quarter yesterday and stayed the same this morning. Its my TOTM gains I reckon. I cheated again last night and had a Mars Ice Cream bar, and I didn't really enjoy it. It tasted weird. Much preferred the snickers one last month LOL. this TOTM stuff is really annoying me, I was thinking about it earlier. If the week itself is a bad week and then the week after is a gain cos of body getting back to normal, then it means I'm only losign weight two weeks out of four. hard work for what!!!!
I am really struggling with the temptations of not cheating, its not that I am craving a particular thing, its that I am fed up of stuff at the moment and the effort of making food is too much, having to think about recipes etc.

there is so much to do and I seem to be running out of time. Fairs to plan for, paperwork to do, school things, home things and with trying to do other little bits the days are endless. Oh stop moaning me!!! Not gonna do me any good is it.
DD is poorly again, she came home from school complaining of sore throat, and then spent half the night feeling cold, but her temperature is normal. I think she coming down with yet another thing, only just recovered from last week. If she is still suffering in the morning I'll keep her off school. 2nd day in a month in 3 years. Poor thing. I've got work first thing though so will leave her with her dad, can't make up my mind whether or not to stay at school for the day as I usually volunteer on Fridays, or if I should come home and see to her. I would probably worry too much if I stayed at school and she was at home. I know, I'm too protective LOL.
Right, bed me thinks, hopefully a good weigh in the morning and I'll get my stuff done as i need to.
Oh and guess what I found in my asda this moring. A single row of Quark!!!!! Shifted to soft cheese section and no longer in the specialised area as it used to be. Hopefully that means they are keeping it in.