Funny to look back at old diet stuff isn't it??? I found my Cambridge diet card a couple of months ago and I really did lose the weight very quickly but boy I put it back on and more even quicker!!!! Made me appreciate any food and also taught me quite a lot about how I used food for every occasion..... The couple of months I did it for was quite depressing as there was NO food to look forward to just drinks or bars - I missed the socialising aspect of it - at least on Dukan you can go out for a meal and have a steak and salad or veg - I always have the biggest steak and thoroughly enjoy it!!!! Have a lovely day today and keep going - glad that Christmas gain taken a hike - mine will take a tad longer to get rid of I think!!! LOL!
Karin its dropping off well done xxx
Monday was late this week, instead of a gain yesteday as usual, it was a gain annoyed. Did nothing wrong yesterday. Only thing i can put it down to, well a couple of things. Is that I drunk too much !!!!!!!!!!!! Coke/Coffee/Water Not alchohol or I spread my oatbran out too much throughout the day or i had a couple too many of SF sweets.
Gained 1.25lb not a happy bunny.
Have kept oatbran to a minimum today, just porridge and lunch bread. No SF Sweets at all. And stuck to 8 drinks with more water than coffee today.
Ah well, fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Hi Karin
Don't despair you have done so well. I'm sure everything will right itself in the end.
I wanted to say thanks for your muffin recipe. I tried it Sunday night and was pleasantly surprised.
I wanted to ask in another recipe you mentioned wheat bran. Do you use the coarse or regular variety?
Keep up the good work you have done brilliantly and are so good at sharing tips and advice
Mel x
It's just a scales blip, missus, nothing more and nothing less.
Enjoy your day
P x
Karin, you always find that you gain a little but only temporary You know if you have your oatbran any later than dinner time,,,,stop worrying it will be off tomorrow xxx
Yep as the above have all said. At weigh in day you end up with a loss for the week x
Lost 1.5lb this morning, so am pretty pleased with that.
Made some toffee rhubarb muffins today, very nice. going to make sure I don't eat my oatbran too close to bed, as Iknow this doesn't help.
Yea to the 1.5lb loss
Muffins sound delish how did u make those?
you'd think eh? But with my gain day before yesterday all i've done today is lost that clue why I gained unless it was the end of TOTM that happens to me. Still got about 4lb to lose to get back there, starting to annoy me to be honest, but..........I won't rant about that again LOL.Another 1.5 off - you must be back to pre christmas weight now or lower??? Well done you....... xxx