Gold Member
I seem to be losing more after a PV day than I do after PP days, No idea why.
So if my body is true to form in the morning, it should be a loss and should take me to that figure.....should!!!!!!!!!! If wishes were horses and all that...though no clue what that phrase is supposed to me, but it sounds good.
Was in school all day today, visited a friend straight from school, rushed home to make tea then out to the hospital. Got back and had my pudding, then put DD to bed and now on here...............that why the drum had to roll for such a long time.
Busy day at school, end of term assemblies and competition announcements. DD won her Springtime poem competition. She is really good at poems. I'll have to type em up for you.
Dukan Food today;
P/V |
Breakfast Oatbran Porridge Rhubarb Yogurt Coffee |
Lunch Meat Salad Sandwich Water Dukan Bread/Cake |
Tea Chicken Liver Stroganoff and Spinach Coffee Jelly/Yogurt |
Supper Nothing as I had my pudding late. |
Drinks Not quite 2ltrs yet, will top up before bed |