LOL Joanne, its so hard to stay away from the scales isn't it, I must admit i got weighed on tuesday morning and I've actually managed to go three days without getting on them, but am so tempted tomorrow......but i think, if its a loss and then come monday its not, I will be devastated

so i think i may just steer clear till monday.
I'll be on top of the moon sara once i get there.
As for the garlic bread...........well its still there. DD had some more tonight and will prob have the last bit tomorrow. because I didn't get any takeaway yesterday, I went to morrisons tonight and bought some seafood cocktail (no sauce type) and a pack of juicy crabsticks, and a bag of mixed lettuce leaves. Had a massive seafood salad as my 'takeaway' with a pot of greek yogurt. But.........naughty naughty me ate the whole pot ehemm, a large pot. Flavoured with Dukan hazelnut courtesy of my fairy godmother

she knows who she is. And I was so stuffed i haven't needed any supper at all, still full. So I'm just popping in to say hi and bye, cos I am feeling rather grumpy/hormoney so I am clearing out before I scream at someone who doesn't deserve it. Got a book on my phone to read.
I saw my DD teacher today who retired last year, she has seen me a couple of times, but of course it was either early days or i was wearing a coat. She was so enthused about my weight loss it was lovely to hear. Of course because we have warmer weather, there have been a few occasions where i haven't worn a coat and people are starting to comment on my loss. But they all seem to think I've done it suddenly, they are amazed when i tell them it was 10 months ago.....winter hides everything LOL !!!!!.
Right, off to bed I go, might just have a glass of water before Igo, and then dance class in the morning. DD got a friend coming after dance class and her bedrooms a tip, might need to do a quick tidy in the morning.
I'll catch up on all your diaries tomorrow, need my bed LOL. night my MM friends xxxx