It did it on a lot of posts, I went into settings along top and then my account on left hand side, then clicked standard editor. That seems to have worked and it keeps correcting my misspells and now underlines my mistakes in red like in word LOL.
Failing that on the quick reply box, the very first box that looks like A/A and press that and it should show blue.
Food today
BF Porridge and yogurt as usual
LN 2 Eggs into 3 omelettes, sliced beef and small amount of red onion, made into rolls. Dukan bread with lemon curd.
TE Diet Coke Chicken / Muffin with yogurt poured over and a spoonful of jelly on top. Very yum.
SP Crabsticks and cheesecake.
Fluids 2.34lt
Eggs 4
Dairy 427g
I'm very surprised by how well I have been managing to keep the dairy low, its been a week today since I started doing it, just shows how it had crept up. Although I wish I could have a slightly bigger portion for my breakfast, but I will leave it for now. Still resisted buying the aldi greek yog so am pleased with that too.
I bought two chickens from aldi today and cooked them this morning. Totally stripped them, putting breast meat / thigh meat / and darker bits onto separate plates. I then bagged it all up into 70-80g portions. Breast meat to be kept to make into sandwiches or lunches. Thigh meat for cooking with and the rest was in families tea tonight. I got 12 portions out if it. If I were to buy 12 packs of meat at the minimum it would be £12, chickens cost me £6. Very pleased.
But I have to tell you.........and give you a laugh.......I had a total dumb blonde senior moment this morning in Aldi.
I bought a few things which totalled £12.36 I gave the lady a twenty note. As I walked away I looked at my change and realised she hadn't given me the right change,. I told her I had given her a twenty and she said that she would need to cash up the till in order to check it. so I waited whilst she locked up her til, took the drawer and went in the back to do so. When she came back she said the draw was only out by a few pence.
I said I knew I had given her a twenty as it was the only one in my purse, which I only got from the bank yesterday. She then asked me what change she had given me...........I was totally convinced I should have had a tenner in change and she hadn't given it me. Looking at the recipet she noticed very quickly that she had in fact given me the right change, all £7. 64 of it.....I had it in my hand, I hadn't actually put it away. Stupid me was so convinced I should have had a tenner that I just didn't even compute the fiver. I was so humiliated and nearly burst into tears.
I shop there at last twice a week, though rarely on a weds, so I haven't seen this woman in a long time. She's pregnant and leaving on Saturday apparently, so at least I won't have to see her again LOL..............