thank you xxx
I'm feeling a bit shell shocked if I'm honest. To be within half a stone of target and seriously thinking of conso is very scary. Nearly a year of dieting, and a lifetime of trying to lose weight and my goal is in sight. Having to re plan menu's based on veg every day and a starch somewhere, worrying if its the right starch LOL, and as for gala meals....well I don't want to go too mad. There are a few things I miss, crisps and jacket potatoes being the main things. And not just any crisps, strangely I have been a crispoholic for years and I haven't really missed proper crisps whilst Dukaning, but Asda/Morrison's chip sticks.........well I could eat a full bag in one go of them. Yum!!!
The only thing that has been decided is that on day one of Conso I am going to join my daughter for breakfast at school, for toast. They started offering breakfast after September but I couldn't join her. But I soon will be able to
Food today 2nd PV day
BF Porridge with rhubarb and yogurt.
LN Chicken with Frais on Dukan Bread and cabbage leaves / Other half of bread with Lemon Curd
TE Mince Beef made into burgers with 2 fried eggs on a mushroom and tomato base.
SP Prawns
And I'm having a wee treat.......got to celebrate the loss, I bought the family a vienetta for pudding, so I am going to have a slice of it. Yum!!!!