Cruise PP Dukan-o-rama

seconded the 4/3 pattern is best and I've tried both :) gives you freedom on the weekends/socialising and you don't waste veg if you use fresh...personally most of my veg is freezer based :) so as to avoid wastage x
Yep we tend to visit family at the weekends. They just about managed the idea that I wasn't eating bread or cakes etc when on Atkins, So I think it would totally blow them away if I were to say I'm only eating meat on a certain day lol.

Definately a plus also about the non veg wasting, can't stand food waste!
i follow the 4pp 3pv and sometimes 5pp 2 pv .....ive found it ok transit can be an issue but the pv days can sort it out good luck
I'm a miserable failure and couldn't ever manage 4 PP days in a row, but I bet the 3 PVs together will be much appreciated. Good luck!
I just made the salmon/seafood muffins from the recipes thread, maintainers if i remember correctly.

Just had 3 of them there now for my daily oatbran allowance and they're gorgeous. 2 thumbs up!

It also means my breakfast for the next 3 days is sorted which will be so handy. I won't have to ponder it at all!
Glad to hear you liked my muffins :D (You got nine out of which quantity oat mix? I get 6 or 12, never 9...) ;)

I used to be a 4PP / 3PL fan but as someone who's always struggled on Sundays with keeping to the straight and narrow, I've found since having Sunday as a PP (with PLENTY of food), it's sorted that side of things for me.

To keep my days fixed though, cos I can't do with different weeks having different days for PPs and PLs, I do fix them anyway.

Mon, Wed, Sat = PV
Tues, Thurs, Sun = PP
Fri - lunch is PV, tea is PP!

<Put that in your pipe and smoke it Mr. Dukan - a pattern you've not thought of!>
Oh no i got the full 12 from the recipe but I scoffed 3 straight away they looked so good lol. So 9 left for brekkie for 3 days lol.
aaah that makes sense... I really enjoy them hot, but only get to eat them hot on a Sunday... I like the crispy crust.
mmmm totally agree with the crispy crust.

Some ponderings I had today about this diet. I can deal quite nicely with the PP and the PV days and that side of the diet.

But OMG all the water I'm drinking, I'm finding the task of going to the loo to be a right pain in the *** lol

Every time I have to go it's like a chore, I know I have little to be worrying me but those many many walks to the loo and back should be counted as exercise in their own right lol:D

I think i've walked about 2 miles there and back today alone!
I have a catheter ;) (wouldn't that make things easier!!)

In the office, I use alternate loos in case someone wonders what's wrong with me!!
Day 4 PP tomorrow.

I can't believe I'm looking forward to Friday so I have have some veggies lol. Friday night here used to be pizza and beer blow out night, how times change.
lol i know what you mean
Today I really fancy a banana!!!!