lajlaj - The funny thing is that I've never been able to get away with skinny jeans (even when I was slim before). I always looked terrible in them. I swear that Dukan has made all the difference!
As for the crème au chocolat, it sounds nicer than it tastes. The first time I tried it, I almost spat it out! However, I need my chocolate (even if it is just a tiny amount of cocoa powder in there) and, once you get used to them, these help to satisfy my sweet tooth. I also initially hated the muffins, but really look forward to them now. Desperate times need desperate measures and all that! ;-)
Good luck with your hypnosis session. You must give us a big update on that as it sounds fascinating. It worked tremendously for my ex-brother-in-law with smoking, so let's hope it's as successful for you.
Bren - I was always brought up to clear my plate of food and NEVER leave anything. It's such a difficult habit to break and has meant that I have eaten in the past to the point where I feel sick. I think that putting smaller portions on my plate might work better, psychologically, since I've been brainwashed so much with the plate-clearing. All of this experience is helping to get a better idea of how much is the right amount to make me feel satisfied, which is great.
Definitely agree with you about the skinnies - so much easier to wear with nice biker boots, etc. Love them! Of course, that means I'm going to have to work hard to keep my legs toned so they don't revert back to the old tree trunks look! ;-)
Anja - I think that's the uncooked carb weight, isn't it? I must check as I'm due for my first proper carb meal this week and intend to cook wholemeal pasta. Unfortunately, I was hoping to split my cheese ration so that I could have some Parmesan on my pasta with the sauce and also have some Cheddar in my sandwich. Such a shame if that's not allowed. Still, that means extra cheese with the pasta, which is yum!