Consolidation Dukandebut's Trying to Stay the Same Diary

I feel abandoned :-(
I feel that there's been a distinct lack of vomit laden boob talk in here - surely that's what we should be doing if dd is on holiday?
Have you made your chocolates for the wedding yet? I Have got my DD a chocolate making course as n extra for her Birthday.
No - the wedding is in 4 weeks, so i'll be making them the weekend/week beforehand. i've practised everything now, so i'll be fine for time, and as they're not pumped full of preservatives they'll keep for a couple of weeks only so i want them to be as fresh as possible. the trip to macro for supplies and equipment has been made and i've ordered some proper chocolate dipping forks from ebay too :D
perhaps i should whisper... none of these are dukan friendly!

2 hand rolled truffles - sesame and pistachio kirsch
2 hand dipped chocolates - ginger crunch & coffee hazelnut
2 moulded chocolates - vanilla & hazelnut praline

everyone will get 3 in total, so they'll all be different and we're going to make cards for each table to use as a 'menu' so people can swap - it should get everyone talking a bit.
OMG! I hope you're going to take pictures! Pleeeeease..... - and how many can I have per day on Cruise :)
These were a practise run of the ginger crunch. The proper ones will be squares. I'll get photos of the others when I do them


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The family are all looking at me wondering why I look as though I about to lick my laptop screen.....
I'm incredibly sorry for being AWOL for so long. It's been a bit of a rubbish time - really busy + family crises + well and truly jiggered wrist, shoulders and neck. I shall try to make up for it and will slowly work my way through everything I've missed since I've been gone.

Firstly - Em and Mousie, I've missed you, too! xxxx

Secondly - oh, Em, those chocs look divine! They are going to be a huge success at the weddding. I know that I'd be absolutely delighted to receive those as a guest. Something very special indeed.

Thirdly - please don't be alarmed if I don't visit so frequently for the time being. Things are still pretty hectic and my shoulders are being annoyingly painful just yet.

Fourthly - I'm now on Stab, so shall be creating a new diary for that.

It's good to be back! :)
Welcome back dd, it's really nice to hear from you. Sorry about your shoulder/crises etc. Hope you get it all sorted soon.

Whoop whoop - congrats on being in stab, am looking forward to hearing how you get on with that, x