Dukanista's Diary: Part III!

Yes, probably trying to compensate a little, although I didn't feel hungry, and the quantities were enormous! And I had some nuts and soy milk at lunch.

I am focusing on all the other good foods I'll get in the UK, and being able to buy health foods and oat bran at the shop instead of online! But I know I will miss a lot of things. And people. I've been telling my team and my colleagues about the plan this week and everyone is so shocked that I'm finally leaving, although i'll be working with many of them from our London office.

Right, muffins and coffee and off to work!
Mmm, sashimi. You'll get all that here, just bit more expensive I guess.

Sara, you've got me thinking again about conso and PP days and how it's about reminding ourselves of things as well as actually assisting with weight loss. I think he does say stuff about this in the book, I need to go back to it at some point.

Hope you have a lovely weekend Caro!

Just lying in my tent catching up on posts. Lovely day at the lake and we camped out, even though it rained most of yesterday. Had a bit too much wine last night - I should have been drinking water at the same time but there was none in sight. I have to remember that alcohol affects me much more quickly these days!

I will eat load up on salmon sashimi from now until december and then save it for special treats in london. I should start making a shopping list of supplies to take with, though... Just saw what you paid for manuka honey, joodlebob - I wish I could send you some from here.

Hope you're all having fabulous weekend fun Cxxx
Hmm, Monday wi and the scales are a bit bouncy but settled on 55.6, a bit more than I'm happy with... But it's happy totm this week, so probably to be expected. I am trying to be a bit stricter, though. Off to Thailand for a week on sunday so more bikini time... Probably the last for the year, though, as this will be the last tropical fling before we ship out in December.

Was so looking forward to an early night, but got home to find a message from a good ol friend who is only in town for one night, so I had to go meet him. half price burgers and beer at the pub, but I swapped my beer for soda water and left the bun. Gosh, my halo is positively glowing!

Nite all Cxx
Not a great food week so far... Feel like I ate and drank far too much a few times. I don't mind the odd splurge, but I don't like overeating to the point where I feel stuffed, and I wish I could have stopped when I was full instead of having those last few bites. We also had lots of farewell dinners and its impossible not to drink and join the toasts for these.

I have also had the biggest sugar and snack cravings all week, and totm is only starting Monday! I think there comes a point where it is also psychological. I am justifying my cravings because of hormones when in fact they are just boredom binges.

Anyway, weight more or less stable for now and next week I will be living on a boat in thailand doing a skipper course, so hopefully lots of exercise and few opportunities to overindulge. And im then OH heads off to Europe and I'm back here on my own for 3 months... But I'm looking forward to having the kitchen completely to myself and I have ambitious plans to turn the living room into an insanity studio :)

Cats off to the vet for blood tests this morning and we'll know the results in a few weeks. Crossing fingers its all good so they can get on the plane with me in december. They are making a right racket this morning cos they're not allowed food beforehand! I know the feeling...

Have a lovely weekend ladies Cxx
hope all goes well at the vets with the moggys
quick post as I'm technically 'working from home' today. Survived the week on a boat in Thailand - bit of a crazy departure as one of my team had an accident the saturday before i left and got rushed to hospital with broken shoulder and head injuries... Would have to happen the first day of the holidays when everyone had disappeared already. But all sorted, went to visit him today with dried fruit and nuts from Thailand: looks like he will be stuck there for a few weeks, poor guy.

Moggies are curled up on the bed and were happy to have me home. The older one is on a diet now after the vet showed me his blood serum compared to the younger one - all milky with cholesterol - I almost had a heart attack when I saw it. Half considered looking into 'Dukan for cats' but I think I'll stick with the obesity control cat food. Just have to make sure not to leave food out for the other one as he gobbles it all up. But I feel his pain, of course.

Had a completely off plan week and haven't looked at the scales yes as I only got in this morning. Suspect it will be quite an increase, but I decided to just forget about it and have a good holiday. Not many options out at sea for 4 days anyway!

I am now on my own as hubby is off to Denmark and then the UK. I did a big shop today and filled the fridge with yoghurt, tofu, eggs and other dukan fare, and I'm quite looking forward to completely removing all temptations from the kitchen. And doing exercise videos every morning. At least that's the plan... I'm just as likely to stay up late watching girlie movies and dragging myself out of bed after a sleepless night!

I'm halfway through catching up with everyone's news and will be back soon!


Ok it wasn't so quick after all :)
welcome back :)
Hi lotto, Sara and Ellie! Missed you guys and the rest of the dukan gang: it's always good to be back here.

seems like everyone's been dropping the pounds steadily this last week - time for me to get back on track! Today I did a prep and pv day: bought 4 tubs of quark at the supermarket since they were close to expiry and half price! Got home and made lemon lime mousse and tuna cakes for the week ahead, and will make a huge batch of muffins tomorrow morning. I love Thai food too, but really felt the effects of the spices and lack of oat bran... Looking forward to those muffins! Had a salmon steak and grilled tomatoes for dinner, and tofu with ham and spicy black bean sauce (just a teaspoon!) for lunch. With yoghurt/quark pudding for dessert. Although I enjoy letting loose for a while, it always feels good to be back with the familiar foods again. So I'll assess the damage on the scales in the morning and then decide if a few days of attack are in order, or just back on pv. I kind of feel like I need the veg right now...

Have a great week everyone and hope the weather is not too bad where you are.

Welcome back! I hope that your colleague is ok, that sounds painful! As for the fat kitty, it's just so hard to resist their miaows sometimes. Luckily (or unluckily), our cat is a hunter and stays out all night catching various rodents, so that seems to burn off the extra calories for her!

Sounds like you're back in the Dukan zone. I agree with Sara, I wouldn't go for attack (I'm pretty sure this is the advice from Dr D himself too), and just get back on those PV/PP days if you need to lose! :)x
Thanks for the advice ladies. And amazingly, the scales gave good news this morning: 55.8k. A bit over my tw, but actually lower than before I left on holiday! (I managed to slip over the 56 mark with totm and too many nights out).

So I'm upping my lean proteins and veg this week and cutting the snacks, but won't worry about attack. Woohoo!!

I'm now pretty confident that I can go on holiday and not worry about indulging in cocktails, chocolate and yummy local food, since the extra activity makes up for it. Just goes to show that we'd probably be skinny minnies without our office jobs :)

Ceri, did you start insanity yet or are you waiting for charly? I might still join you guys - as Sara said, I'll need the motivation if I'm exercising at home.

Thanks for the advice ladies. And amazingly, the scales gave good news this morning: 55.8k. A bit over my tw, but actually lower than before I left on holiday! (I managed to slip over the 56 mark with totm and too many nights out).

So I'm upping my lean proteins and veg this week and cutting the snacks, but won't worry about attack. Woohoo!!

I'm now pretty confident that I can go on holiday and not worry about indulging in cocktails, chocolate and yummy local food, since the extra activity makes up for it. Just goes to show that we'd probably be skinny minnies without our office jobs :)

Ceri, did you start insanity yet or are you waiting for charly? I might still join you guys - as Sara said, I'll need the motivation if I'm exercising at home.


PS here is the fat cat in question, appropriately named couscous :)


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Sorry about the double post. This app is temperamental sometimes...
Yes, he is such a cuddlebug, I feel awful putting him on diet. But it's for his own good. Number 2 is not far behind, though...

I grew up on a farm where the cats spent all their time outdoors, hunting, playing, sleeping... never any weight problems of course. these 2 have lived their whole lives in a high rise apartment and it's hard to keep them in shape. I guess it's the caveman story all over again: humans - and their pets - are not leading the lives they were meant to.

Anyway, couscous had better be at tw by December since the airline charges by weight to ship them :)


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