Nice one Caro! I'm loving all the naked dancing that's going on lately. Have a lovely break until the weekend!!
One of my colleagues has invited me for Iftar tomorrow night, which is the traditional Fast-Breaking meal for Ramadan. I did it a few times last year and you can seriously clock some calories at these things. It's gonna be pretty hard to stick to Dukan too.

I fasted last year, so I know how hard it is - if I do it, I have to do it properly - the Muslim way... No water, no drinks, no nada! the daily fast here starts at 4am-ish and we break at 7:30pm
I thought about it alot over the past couple of days, and I decided that I just can't trust myself. I'm too scared of binging at the evening meal (when I know my colleague will be rolling out all the best food he can find, for this special celebration with his workmates). As well, drinking so much on Dukan, if I suddenly stop, I think water retention could be a real problem. So I will still eat lightly, but normally Friday and then hone in on the salads and the meat. My one saving grace is that there will be no Alcohol - phew!
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you this in the context of your fasting. I watched the Horizons Documentary and it was brilliant. If it fits with your lifestyle then it's great for your body - and all my friends here fasting swear by it as a physical as well as spiritual cleanser.
On the documentary they talked about having 300-500 cals on the fasting day. Do you do that? or just have nothing at all?
Have a super weekend xoxox