Gold Member
I hope you are okay Carly
Are you still with me on day 9 ?
Thanks Marge X no I'm not I'm afraid it was just messing up my head too much had a very long discussion with hubby and decided it wasn't worth my sanity (literally cried for 12hrs yesterday 1000-2200 really not normal for me) I think it's a great diet if you are well enough and have enough of a life to distract yourself. Sadly I have no life at the moment and taking away food seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back, hubby and I had a fight in the am (well more like a small tiff would normally have been forgotten within the hour) and I just fell apart. The reaction was so severe, along the lines of I have nothing you might as well kill me now and hysterical crying, and so not like me, that we just decided it wasn't worth it. Hope I haven't let you all down but it was just making me too depressed. X I wish you all good luck x