DustQueen 2013

I put my scales under the stairs yesterday DQ :) now I need to try and leave them there until the 20th - you are doing so well in the zone - well done x
I'm not going to weigh at all, just thinking the only reason to get hubby to make note is so I know what I lose on the diet each week which is surely only useful information if I'm going to do this again WHICH I AM NOT!!! When I'm all done and skinny will I care what I lost each week? Will I hell! So sod those scales they can get lost for now. :)
Woohooooo! How good do you sound! Fantastic! Xxx

Thanks hunny I really really want it this time. I'm fed up if messing about and getting fatter. I don't think I've ever managed to get through such a tough week 1 before so that's got to be a good thing ;)
Nerves of steel, DQ! Great determination!
Tried s&s cheesy pasta sooo disgusting!!!! Three spoons and nearly vomited went in the bin lol
This is hard enough without eating that!
Today has been the easiest day yet food cravings have popped up, perhaps every hour or so but that is a huge improvement on the constant cravings that were consuming me before, hopefully this is a turning point :)
If you're not fussed with weigh in then skip it. I wish I felt like that tbh. There may come a day when u really do want to weigh and hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised :) you're doing so well, roll in day 8 :) xx

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Excellent turnaround! Hopefully soon you'll be at a point when think food? What food? Lol! Night night chick! Xxx
Good luck for tomorrow DQ.
I'm not going to weigh at all, just thinking the only reason to get hubby to make note is so I know what I lose on the diet each week which is surely only useful information if I'm going to do this again WHICH I AM NOT!!! When I'm all done and skinny will I care what I lost each week? Will I hell! So sod those scales they can get lost for now. :)
Love your thought process x
For another TS day!
Thanks DQ.