Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Awww Becki - sending you lots of love.

I think Pip gave good advice. If you feel it is too much, pull back and reign it in. Might be worth having a wee chat with him too in a constructive way. If you're making the food all the time then perhaps it isn't unreasonable for him to walk the dog? Or vice versa?!

AND....You are NOT FAT!! xx
Thanks everyone. I'm home , bathed and just made my salad for tea. Going to eat and watch the bake off in peace!!
I was so close to grabbing bottle of red on the way home but resisted :)
Well done for the red wine resistance! Have it on fri or sat instead and you will feel so chuffed with yourself cos you'll defo have earnt it!!
Seems like this is may be the peak of the stressiness with finishing up one job as you prepare to start another....sometimes boys just don't seem to clock what's going on inside or the bigger picture of things and they need a little nudge. As lil and pip have said, it sounds as though there are things he could do to take the pressure off. Sending huge hugs xxx
Thanks ging.

He was out last night, and just text me saying he's decided to meet his friends Saturday night. So I've organised a night to a new club with some girl friends I've not seen for a while! He did say he will be home on time tonight so we can watch a new episode of breaking bad but I'm home late which he has forgotten again! Grrrrr he's really dissappointing me recently. I know we will get over it, especially once I'm in a routine as I am here, there and everywhere at the moment

Breakfast- two boiled eggs, banana

Lunch- leftover chicken salad. BBC chicken, toms, cucumber, ham.

Tea- lils idea of chicken rarebit! Looks amazing you should all try! With kale and some wholegrain noodles

Snacks- blueberries, muller light. I've put some grapes in the freezer to try.
Very good! I forgot the Worcestershire sauce and toms and I didn't use creme fraiche but I really enjoyed it. And got good comments from the husband too! Will definitely do it again but with the CF and toms!
Yes it is! Thanks for remembering. My best friend hasn't even remembered....or she's just not said anything :(

I've had a good morning. A lot to take in, teachers to meet etc but I'm now home. I come home for a couple of hours for lunch..then I go back. So two lots of driving but it's nice to pop home to see my pooch. And I don't need to make my own pack ups :)

I am looking forward to getting home tonight and starting properly next week. Back to the gym too!

Food today is

Breakfast- two boiled eggs, banana
Snack- alpen light
Lunch- Quorn sausage sandwich hexb, muller light and fruit
Tea- hubby is making bacon and mushroom pasta apparently!

He has accepted taking on tea times every Friday so that will help! I have to plan meals and cook for my work so it will make my life easier!
Yep everyday.

My anxiety is okay at the moment. I think once I start work myself and finish being showed around and what to do it will be much better as I'm more in charge then!

I've got a bit of a headache so just took pills to ease it off. Heading back now so catch you guys later!
Hahahahaha! This actually made me laugh out loud.

That's the danger!! My MF LOVES olive oil. I keep trying to show him the error of his ways with fry light but he's like Jamie bloody Oliver. Adds it to everything!!

My advice would be to enjoy the meal, give lots of positive feedback because you want to reinforce the behaviour and then as he gets more confident, try and get him to do cook healthily. Baby steps :)

Enjoy :) xx
Haha good advice. He asked me if I wanted seconds ..I said I would as it's lovely but the cream is a bit too heavy! So no thanks..but you can have the leftovers for pack ups! Win!

Jamie Oliver and that blooming olive oil! He drenches everything!

Breakfast frittata in the oven so looking at a mainly on plan day so far! I've been up since 7 :/
Really in love with frozen grapes atm. I snack in the evenings out of boredom and to keep me occupied. And I love these! Apparently asda sell candy floss flavour grapes!
Bit blurry but heading out on the townnnnnn
Enjoy your evening out and weekend too. You look superslim. Hope all goes well with your new job will you be left to your own devices monday?
See you soon. Xx
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Thanks all. I had a great night. And don't feel too rough at the moment!
Yep on my own next week bubble! Back to the gym too. Can't wait to start earning and get back not a fit and healthy routine!