Gold Member
How do you make those? x
How do you make those? x
ooooh is the feta crumbled and mixed in with it?! Does it stay together ok when BBQing?
I might suggest this tomorrow eve! x
How do you make your seasoning? x
Professional looking burgers there, lovely! Have you got one of those press things? xx
We loved the falafels!
dog walk completed and now on my bike whilst I type this! I'm doing a few high Intensity intervals ..also watching last night's Eastenders. .win!
We are going to an engineering festival today for ricks work. It sounds boringggg but apparently it's really good! its a lovely day anyway and it's in the surroundings of our cathedral area. maybe a lunch/dinner stop may be on the cards too!
breakfast- 2 boiled eggs, bacon (no fat) fruit