Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

It's depressing when my dog gets to eat more than me on a fast day! hehe

going to wait for my boohoo order then have a big holiday clothes trying on session!
Yes you can Hun!!! It will be soo worth it when your on that beach feeling fabulous!! When I'm struggling I have a glass of diet coke as I feel like that wakes me up and gets me q bit more into it (might be just me!!!)

Read about my journey here -

Start Weight - 11st 2.5lb
Current Weight - 8st 13lb
Goal Weight - 8st 7lb
You totally can, lovely. Drink a pint of water or some peppermint tea and you'll have forgotten about being hungry in no time xxx
faillll. I just can't survive being that hungry!! lol. However I have worked out my day to still be under 1000 cals. .sorry girls I just can't fast. I will go burn some serious calories though once I've made a chicken pie for tea!
Under 1000 still not bad. I've never tried a fast day but imagine they are pretty hard.

Mmmm chicken pie. What recipe do you use?
Happy Saturday

so yesterday was a fail fast day but I reduced my snacking and my portion size for tea ( which was the potato topped chicken and spinach pie which was lovely) I had a few gin and fizzy cranberry waters ( ran out of tonic) and as I'd not eaten much I think they went to my head! feel a wee bit fuzzy today.

Even though I didn't fast yesterday it made me realise how much I snack ( a lot! ) which I need to stop ...I'm always hungry though!

We don't have anything planned this weekend as we were not sure if we would need free time for the house. The weather is pants so I'm struggling to think of what to do now?!

I'm going to get on my bike and walk sky, if we decide to have a home day I will run later.

breakfast - almond and honey specialk porridge

lunch- Spanish omelette

tea- pulled pork, corn on the cob and something carby but not sure what yet ..potato salad possibly
Morning lovely :)
The weathers rubbish here too horrible when's this summer going to start :-/
Loving the idea of jumping in your bike to take the dog out I need a bike :)
Don't worry about yesterday's fast if you were to retry would you consider 800 cal days you can fit so much more in with those extra 300 Cals and with all the exercise you do I think your body would appreciate it and you would feel better to maybe something to think about have a nice day chick Xxx
Thanks Katie. 800 cal days really appeal to me so yes! I'm going to order those egg whites that you get for a lower calorie breakfast. and also jump back on the quark and jam wagon :)
40 mins on bike done. Just under 300 cals burnt

Good morning!

Rick and I had an evening in last night, we watched a couple of dexters then played monopoly. It was nice to spend some time together :)
I spent yesterday reading ' get the glow' ( thanks Lil ) ( madeline personally liked my IG pic!) I really want to go without all the sugar and processed food but it's just making that switch to full fat which intimidates me... :/
what really shocked me was that tonic water is full of sugar?! I've drank a lot recently!

she also mentions sparkling water is okay. ..but does this have to be plain or can it be no added sugar flavoured?
I like the odd drink ( but banned wine, beer etc) so was looking for a mixer for gin or vodka. gin and water doesn't really appeal to me?! maybe sliced lemon or cucumber ?!

today's eats

brunch- asparagus in prosciutto with two poached eggs and olive oil

snack- avocado on rice cakes

tea- Rick is making lamb and cucumber kebabs . I may make a saag aloo as a side.

( apparently also soy milk is a no no!)

Going to get on my exercise bike and possibly do some of Charlotte dvd.
hope everybody enjoys their Sunday!
Rick has made tea again. He can cook more often ! it was yummy.
lamb kebabs and noodles.


placed an order from wholefoods for a few bits to make some 'get the glow ' meals and snacks!
Happy bank holiday!

Rick and I were speaking yesterday about getting a new car! more ' family friendly' ;) air con, auto, big boot. So he is at an appointment now valuing ours as we are planning on part exchange. If we don't get offered more than 1k though it's a no no :( fingers crossed I get my auto!

breakfast - wm toast with avo and egg fried in coconut oil

lunch- we could be in Sheffield test driving so lunch could be grabbed on the go

tea- lettuce tacos are planned !

We have leftover lamb from yesterday's tea though do it could change!

have a lovely day everybody X
Hi Pretty lady. Sorry I have not posted but have been reading all the exciting news on your thread. Wow its all going on here and I am soooo happy for you and all the things that are slowly coming together for you. Your such a lovely well deserving person and Im very proud of you.