Good morning!
Rick and I had an evening in last night, we watched a couple of dexters then played monopoly. It was nice to spend some time together
I spent yesterday reading ' get the glow' ( thanks Lil ) ( madeline personally liked my IG pic!) I really want to go without all the sugar and processed food but it's just making that switch to full fat which intimidates me... :/
what really shocked me was that tonic water is full of sugar?! I've drank a lot recently!
she also mentions sparkling water is okay. ..but does this have to be plain or can it be no added sugar flavoured?
I like the odd drink ( but banned wine, beer etc) so was looking for a mixer for gin or vodka. gin and water doesn't really appeal to me?! maybe sliced lemon or cucumber ?!
today's eats
brunch- asparagus in prosciutto with two poached eggs and olive oil
snack- avocado on rice cakes
tea- Rick is making lamb and cucumber kebabs . I may make a saag aloo as a side.
( apparently also soy milk is a no no!)
Going to get on my exercise bike and possibly do some of Charlotte dvd.
hope everybody enjoys their Sunday!