Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

He text around 1pm so he must of remembered on his lunch. I understand he's busy. anyway all forgotten now! I don't want to fall out with him.

it went fine thank you. All plastered up and long sleeves to hide it from work! Just leaving to do my last shift, can't wait for it to be over and get my bushy eyebrows finally waxed!!
Yay on last shift! Soon be hollipops time!

Aw bless him glad he remembered.
Need your help girls. I know you are all very thoughtful, pressie givers!
bit of a morbid conversation but my mum is going to visit my ill auntie next week, in new Zealand. Her cancer is incurable so i think it's given we won't see her in person again. I want to send something over , something thoughtful, which will make her smile . any ideas?I only have tomorrow to sort something ?!
Did you think of anything? xxxx a nice photo to bring back some happy memories?
Oh no Becki just got on mins and ive missed u. I really hope you have a fantastic time enjoy urselves and have fun making babies ;)
Hi Becki, just looking by to catch up! Food sounds yummy recently! I miss nuts being on sw! Xx
Hope you're having such a wonderful time xxxx
Quick pitstop to say hi!

its our two year wedding anniversary today!

having a good holiday but I am ready to get home! I really am a home bunny,miss my home comforts and my pooch so much!
Happy anniversary!

I know I also miss my fluffy pup when away too. Pleased you enjoying it though
Thanks everybody!

Home! I have ate and drank SO MUCH!

by the last two days I was sick of food!

We had a great time. We really enjoyed our time together, pleased we went. It was so hot, but then also quite windy. We didn't get much sleep at night due to wind and road noise hence why we have been awake since 5!

We went to see my family last night for bbq, and have invited them round today for a big roast ( do you ever regret planning these things?!) I could do with a day washing, sleeping, kissing my pooch. ..but it's planned now.

Rick is leaving on a business trip to spain tomorrow lunchtime until Saturday ...he's never been away for more than a night before. I'm dreading it. I know you girls are used to it but I'm such a baby :( I have a few plans though to keep busy so that's a positive .
big night out tomorrow with my oldest best friend but I think I really need to stop drinking!

cannot wait for a big healthy food shop. I don't think I've eaten any veg all week, and the only fruit was out of a cocktail! oops :)))