Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

I could. Although in my head that's another at least 100 cals. I could have boiled eggs but I just think if I physically eat anymore surely I will put weight on as I need to burn more than I eat?
I just think it will give me a bit of freedom for the weekends. I know i need to stick to plan as much as possible Fri - sun but I also need to enjoy myself or I'd be moody! Will weigh in ...Once I'm up! Lol
I have a few treats for next week with being off but will stick to full sw breakfast and lunch, then have a treat ish tea.
If i haven't lost this week I will be shocked! However I am due on monthlies soon as my boobs are really sore!
9.1 at weigh in. But I'm still not happy until I get back in the lower 8s! Arhhhhhhh

Breakfast- watermelon

Lunch- chicken salad wm roll hexb. Carrot and sweet potato soup.

Tea- sweet and sour pork, rice and broccoli

Snacks - apple pie muller light. 3 forrero rocher 7 syn's
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Saturday I'm at 3 gym classes! Mad I know but it's like an open day. I'm doing shabam ( some kind of dance thing) bollywood dancing and body combat. Then I'm at a hen doo that evening and I've already chosen a chicken and Leek pie! Eeeeeek I regret my choice now but it's too late to change.

Sunday and Monday are relatively quiet. Family visits etc

Tuesday is my birthday so will include a lot of cocktails and we are eating out and I get a free chocolate cake too!

Weds will be a chill out/ hangover day with a bbq if weather is good.

Thursday we were thinking of going to the beach for mini golf, fish and chips etc

Fri we may do lunch and long dog walk

Sat rick is out all day at paintball so I'm taxi

Sunday chill day!
Hi girls! Becki what a fab loss mate! You so deserve it youve really done great this week. Youll be in those 8s very soon.
You will find a way to live to your means while your studying. It may be a little hard to start but you do adapt.
Have yourself a brilliant weekend and hopefully ill be right there with you on monday (but 4 stone heavier than you) ;)

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