Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Back on track from now I think so beef dinner for tea, all allotment and slimming world friendly! Let's get back into the 8s!!!
Cooked beetroot. Roasting one to go on our roast. ...bit weird but yum. I'm using cabbage, kale, carrots and roast onion to our dinner.

Having spag bol on Tuesday so will chop up some kale and use the onions.

I've seen a spring green wrap recipe for a lunch time. Using the cabbage or kale leaves as a wrap. Kale chips etc. Yum! We give a lot away and I was thinking of chopping up onions, putting in a freezer bag and adding to recipes when I need onion.

We didn't pick the courgette but I could stuff it with chilli on Saturday instead of rice!
The kale is good!

Just making my soup for tomorrow lunch which is working out at 80 cals per portion. It is pea and mint. That way I can have extra dinner!
I chose not to pick the courgette in the end, plus I did courgette soup last week and I saw mint at the allotment. I thought courgette would just be an easy option but I've not done pea and mint before so will be nice to try something new!
Well the not having breakfast was easy as I didn't rise from my slumber till 10.20! Oops! It's going to kill me getting up at 5.45 tomorrow. :(

So coffee and pint of juice to start me off, will try and hold off on the soup for as long as possible! Easy so far....even though I've been up for half an hour. Oh and it's now also time of the month. Maybe that's why I was so hungry the past few days.

I weighed too and I'm 9.4 1/2 eeek
Had my soup ....and I'm now hungry lol. I've found the hardest thing is prepping food for tomorrow including both pack ups! Torture!!!
Occupying cooking!! Arhhhhhhh


Spag bol for tomorrow tea. Plus hubby needs pack ups making etc. I've done well though.I had three cherries about 3 as pooch needed a walk. I'm feeling a bit light headed but not sure if it's physiological.

This has been a life saver. Tastes like pina coldada!

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