Eat Stop Eat 24 Hour Fast

I know, I was shocked myself! It's obviously water my I am excited none the less!
It's a good idea to keep busy, that's why I'm only trying to fast on work days (I work part time).
Well done on resisting! I am the same with my 2 boys, they always have nice snacks and meals an especially if I am home with them I will want to eat all day :( not so bad when my fiancé is home as well as I seem to control myself more when other adults are around haha.
Don't worry too much about exercise. You feel deprived as it is and as soon as you start feeling its all too much then you will fall off the wagon altogether. So just do it when you feel like it!
I am weighing in on Wednesday! So trying to to take any sneaky peaks before as I don't wanna be disappointed, I know it will go up and down during the week. I'm sure it will show up again after today's normal eating day :)
I have lots to lose! Around 6 st! I am 15 st 13 now and wanna be anything between 9 st 10 and 10 st. What about you if you don't mind?


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Hi and welcome! :)

I think we are getting on well! I do find it very easy as the fast only lasts 24 hours and you can eat again soon :)

If you don't think you can completely fast have a look at JUDDD forum on here or google johnson's up day down day - you can have about 500 calories on down day and up to 2000 on up day :) I will be doing that after Christmas :)

Ask away, we are all here to support each other :)

B x

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Hey Hun!

I don't count calories strictly. I keep an eye on what I eat so I wouldn't go overboard (ie McDonald's for breakfast, KFC for lunch, take away for dinner and then chocolate for snacks lol). But eat whatever you're craving. Ive had chocolate today and pasta for lunch. Home made burgers and veg for dinner. I'd say don't go over 2000-2500 calories :)
And I have been drinking sugar free squash, diet coke and fanta zero. Water is the healthiest, I know, but other drinks make the day a bit more bearable :)

B x

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Hi ladies! I'm so happy and proud of u all!! I can't believe I'm actually reading all these posts about eat stop eat! I felt so alone wen I started this back in feb and felt people thought I was crazy not eating for 24 hours! I do want to get back on track and u guys will make the happen more sooner I reckon! Thanks for posting on here and I promise once I have a bit more time I will post more details on how I lost over 2 stones with eat stop eat. My weight loss use to be 1kg plus a week! It was great seeing the scales going down every week! Tkcre xxx
Hi Lou,

I don't mind at all :) It I best to try and have the fat day on days when you are busy. I am currently fasting every other day until Christmas. Won't beat myself up if I miss one but wanna do at least 3 a week :)

B x

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You eat and then you stop and then eat again :) so for example you fast from tomorrow 11 am until Sunday 11 am (24h) and then you eat normally for a day or 2 and then fast again for 24 h. Up to you how many fast days a week you wanna do. I do it every other day :)

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I wasn't hungry at all! I love it. It is easy for me not to eat anything, I struggle when I need to eat in moderation. All or nothin is the way to go for me. Rather than restricting yourself every day you can eat what you want every other day and that day is never too far. 3 days on it now and lost 4 pounds.

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Yes! I'm loving it! And the days I'm not eating I feel so light I don't wanna ruin it by eating. And like today I have my normal eating day, I can eat what I want but don't feel like eating too much as I get full quickly. Makes sense to do it for me! Like a part time diet :)

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No! Definitely don't do it on your birthday? Maybe try and get your first fast day in Sunday? Or are Sundays too hard? I've noticed the sooner I start the less likely I am to put it off. But see how you feel :)

B x

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That's right! You would have to worry about what you eat so much on Monday. And you can do 11-11 which means you can still have breakfast on Sunday morning and start birthday feast from 11 am ;-)

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Good girl! Think positive! I have lots to lose as well - 6 st to be exact. I was 15 st 13 three days ago and want to be 9 st 10 to 10 st. I am very much an all or nothing gal too which is why it suits me so well! I can't be bothered with the restricted counting all day! I'd rather not eat anything at all some days.
If you get really fed up with not eating anything convert to JUDDD and have 500 cals on down days and then 2000ish on up days :)
As long as there's someone to talk to and motivate me I will be fine! I am not that positive every day :p

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Oh my goodness I go away for half a day and it all goes crazy here! This little thread has doubled lol!
Hello to you all and great to see u popped on Naz! I was scared I'd be lonely now I'm worried I won't keep up lol!
So I finished my 2nd fast- it wasn't too bad although it was harder doing this time8-8pm!
B- I did my new signature today although we can't see it on iPhones- iv got 100lbs to lose!! Very very daunting!!
Emma x
Haha, I know! Isn't it good :)
You will keep up, don't worry, I'm just the sad loser who always has their iPhone by their side hence I am always chatting :p Well, the boys have been well behaved today so I've had quite a bit of time to myself.
Well done! Now you just need to live for the small targets - get into the 90's, then 80's etc. Then it won't seem so daunting. I have 86 pounds to lose and I randomly set a target date of 10 July next year. Which isn't THAT far off (I'm sure I will disagree soon :p) but basically that would mean I need to lose 2.6 pounds a week. And if some weeks it's more and others it's less, hopefully it will balance itself out. And then i'd have half a July and all of August to enjoy as a slim person, yay!


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Snap with the iPhone I'm always doing something on it especially in the evening!
I'm feeling the need to snack so I'm gonna take myself up to bed soon! Isn't it funny how you don't want to ruin the fast that uv just done!?
Yup, so true! That's why I went to bed quite early last night! Didn't wanna eat. And I was struggling to find something to eat for breakfast as I didn't wanna be too harsh on my body. But without TMI the bowel movement has been full on today. Sorry!!!
Also Emma, download TargetWeight on iPhone. You can put in your weight and target date and weight an then it will flash up all the time - quite motivational :)

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I have a big red "86" poking out, you know like the notifications we get for text, email etc. so that definitely keeps me thinking there that I wanna bring it down ;-)

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