"If you are hungry, eat. If you are not hungry, dont force yourself to eat all your points. Eating for the sake of eating is not a good habit for anyone so just have another cake just cos you have 3 points left and you're not hungry"
that's exactly what I have done myself and I have lost 4.5 stone in 10 months, so the advice works. If you're not hungry, don't force yourself to eat: it just means your body doesn't need the extra calories.
However, I would advise you to have at least 1 day a week when you eat more, maybe at the restaurant. That's to make your body keep on guessing and not get rid of your muscle mass just because it feels you're in a famine moment and it needs to get rid of the "mouths to feed"! In fact, the reason why you're not feeling hungry might be because your body is reducing the amount of "mouths to feed" because you're introducing less calories, and this vicious circle can have worst effects than good ones. let's see how:
Your body works in a very similar way to what yourself do with your finances and normal life. Let's say you have a good job. You earn £4000 a month and life is good. of course, you don't mind spending and maybe going into your overdraft, or credit cards, a bit, because you know that next month's wage is going to take care of that and put you back in the green. You also save a lot of money into a savings account, "just in case". Now, suppose you lose your job. Suddenly, all you receive is jobseeker allowance of £200 a week, which can hardly pay all your bills. So, you first of all pay off all your debt with your savings (fat storage), and luckily you saved so much that there's still a lot left after you do. of course, you don't want to dip into your savings too much because your savings are the most precious things in the world at the moment, they're what keeps you away from starving. So, you start cutting on things. You downscale your house. You sadly give your dog to a friend who would love him and take care of him like you do, because you prefer to feed your children than your dog. Same you do with the cat. You close your Sky account, close your land line and get rid of the Internet connection, and just use your mobile phone as a pay as you go for important calls. You give away your car and walk to the shops rather than spending money on petrol and bus fares. You don't go to the cinema any more and just rent a film here and there or buy one of the £2 offer ones at Sainsbury's and Tesco's. You start eating the "savers" offers in the shops rather than the more expensive ones. You stop eating out. Etc etc.
The same thing you do to reduce your monthly bill and be able to not touch your savings, your body would do for your fat in case you stopped eating as much as before. Just change the £4000 a month to 4000 calories a day, change the savings to fat storage and change all the different cuts to metabolic cuts, so let's say your body would cannibalise itself and eat its own water and muscles in order to not touch its fat storage (fat burns no calories and instead your muscles do! So it's like a Sky bill, or your pet!), slow down its movements to burn less without your knowledge, make you feel tired and dizzy.
Instead, let's say that you're still in work, but rather than getting your steady £4000 a month you're getting a variable amount every month, let's say one month £1200, another month £1000, another £1300... but once a quarter you get a performance bonus. Even such bonus is something you don't know the amount of until you don't see it, but you know that you don't need to cut with what you have because even if you go in red the bonus will take care of it. So you deep into your overdraft and into your credit cards, in the illusion that the bonus will pay them off. The bonus doesn't pay them off, which puts you more and more into the red, but you work even harder trying to get a high bonus that would pay these things off, because you think that one day it will come and you're left guessing. In this example, your body doesn't stop burning and doesn't get rid of the muscles because it's always guessing how much you will eat and how much it'll be the "bonus" amount you will be getting on the "special" day.
Does this make sense?