Okay conclusion after 1 full week on sw is.....
I prefer weight watchers. I feel I have more freedom! On SW it's like someone is saying I have to eat my food in a certain way......I have to have cheese / milk! I have to have a portion of bread or cereal!

I did lose 1.5lbs! Which is pretty good!

So.....I said I'd give it another 3 weeks! But dunno if I want to or not! I feel like I might be giving up too soon and I've not giving it a chance. Remember I swapped as I was gettin bored of ww, not because I wasn't losing weight.

Anyway 1.5 made me smile :)
That's 40lbs lost! 2 lbs away from 3stone
I would keep going for a while hon. Let ur head get around it all properly. I like both diets tbh but prefer sw. I feel like there is always something left to eat rather than running out of points if u get what I mean. Xx
Thanks Hun! It's a mile stone weight so gonna get the before and after out haha!


182lbs - taken just now


I see the difference from the beginning! But not from during photo! I feel like I've lost over a stone and look the same haha! Anyway I just thought I'd look at these to motivate me to keep going!
Great pics and well done on your loss,having only done WW it's unfair of me to comment but you have to do what suits you at the end of the day :0)
bulldogdaisy said:
Love the jeans and top btw :0)

It's boring black work trousers from new look! I bought size 16 14 and 12 all on same day!managed to fit into 16 a few weeks into ww! 16 are in bin! Photo trousers are 14! 12 button up but are tight!
Well done on the loss! Correct me if I'm wrong but dont u usually loose more on sf?

We have now officially lost the same amount, but I Wi tomorrow so I could b ahead or behind u then!! Could go either way

Id say do which ever plan makes u happier! U had a change for a wk and if that's all u need come back to sf! If u prefer sw stick with that!!
Purpled said:
It's boring black work trousers from new look! I bought size 16 14 and 12 all on same day!managed to fit into 16 a few weeks into ww! 16 are in bin! Photo trousers are 14! 12 button up but are tight!

Oh on my ipod they look blue! That's great about fitting in the 14s,12s will soon be fitting just right :0)
Great loss well done - how about giving it one more week and then decide from there. As usually the first week is just getting used to it all - it does take a bit of planning to get used to fitting the healthy extras into your day - Its just to make sure you get enough calcium and fibre in but as long as you are maybe having some yoghurt then not using all your hea shouldn't really matter. Heb are much easier to use as there's so many options for it like dried fruit, cereal bars oil etc.

If you are really not enjoying it there's no point but it took me a couple weeks to adjust to swapping to sf as kept thinking about the old plan as was more familiar with it. X
There is also calcium in lots of other foods. If u google foods containing calcium u will get a better idea of ur intake x
Thanks for replies guys! :)
I'm sticking with SW for a month as planned! I'm just adjusting!

And yes I take measurements! My waist was 35" when I weighed 206lbs. Now I weigh 166 an it's just under 29"

Sarah - my wl on sf range from 0.5lbs a week to 2lbs a week! I started on pp and was losing 3lbs a week! But it slowed naturally! And then since sf it's slowed more. But in a good way I think.

Okay today was hard. I've never felt guilty about eating food before. But after I ate my lunch today I felt awful. I had a wrap with chicken, salad, sweet chilli sauce, lettuce and cucumber. With fries! It was similar to mcdonalds wrap so I synd it like that. So it came to 33syns. Means I have a max of 12syns a day for the rest of the week! Erm but now I've scared myself into having dinner tonight! I'm getting a bit weird about food and I don't like it. I should be able to eat a dinner right.....why do I feel so bad about t?

Day 1 - 105syns

Breakfast - 30g dried fruit (HEXB) + yogurt + tangerine

Lunch - Sweet Chilli Chicken Wrap + Fries (similar to macdonalds portion size so gonna syn it like its a macdonalds) =33syns

Dinner - none
Snacks - apple/orange/banana

Syns = 105 - 33 = 72

Exercise -
30 mins cross trainer = 308calories
3day shred level 1
Ripped in 30 level 1
20 mins uphill walk = 172calories
= 110 mins exercise

Might have a dinner I'll see how I feel!
12 syns a day is the same as having 6 weeklies a day. That would be perfectly doable wouldn't it? So I suspect so is 12 syns a day. You will be dine. But don't be scared to eat dinner if you are hungry. Feel free to moderate it and make it something small but I wouldn't avoid having anything all together.

Sorry you aren't enjoying SW, but well done on the loss never the less! I reckon giving it at least 1 more week before deciding whether its for you or not. If it still isn't by week 2 maybe its not worth doing it for a full month. It was motivated by the need for a change so maybe its been what you needed to re-appreciate WW?
Well I've had a pretty rubbish week emotionally and I don't know where it's coming from.
I was pretty much a career for my inlaws for 6 weeks, then I went on holiday and was non stop. Then I had all the excitement of the engagement when I got home. Then another busy week. This week I've finally relaxed and it feel like all emotions I've felt over the past few months have all rushed back to me and i don't feel as strong emotionally as I think I am.

But let's think positive I've stuck with the healthy eating! I wouldn't have done that half a year ago!
I think SW is good for me, and the reason I'm giving it a go for longer is because I can't blame SW for my bad week!

Okay....I've officially been told off by the OH for no dinner (while the football is on SHOCK) he said I need to eat after all my exercise or I'll be moody! Haha he knows me so well!

So I'm making a totally syn free recipe 'smash pizza' and using my HEXA cheese. Then put today behind me and have a fresh new 6 day week with a 12 syn limit.

I'll take a photo of this pizza.....even if it looks like garbage lol!
Hope you enjoy your pizza! I've never made one of those. I'm very

If u want any help with anything ask away! I'm not an expert but will help if I can.

I made a bottle of syn free Bbq sauce toniht as my last lot ran out. I sterilised an old ketchup bottle this time and put it in there. :) Have u tried it? It's fab for hunters chicken! :)
No never tried making BBQ sauce! How do you make that?

And thank you!
No never tried making BBQ sauce! How do you make that?

And thank you!

BBQ sauce recipe

you will need
1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped
1 tsp mild chilli powder
227ml/8fl oz passata
3 tbsp artifical sweetner
4 tbsp balsamaic vinegar
1 tbsp worchestershire sauce
1/2 tsp mustard powder
salt and freshly ground blacke pepper.

balslmic vingar and worchestershire sauce provide the basis for this great tasting bbq sauce thsat is perfect for a dip, basting a chicken thighs or vegetable kebabs before a bbq, lady who gave me this recipe said she has them on spare ribs and cooks them in the oven so she has bbq spare ribs.

spray a pan with fry light and saute the onion and chilli powder over a low heat for 5 minutes until softened.

stir in the remaining ingrredients, bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes untill thickened. check the seasoning before serving hot or cold.

syn free on both days ready in 20 minutes serves 4 and freezer friendly.

I don't use sweetner cos I'm a bit 'anti' sweetner. I put one tablespoon of sugar in but I don't bother to syn it as its only 1 syn for the whole bottle and it lasts me weeks!
Thanks for that! I may give it a try! How long does it stay fresh? I love BBQ sauce! But my ultimate favourite sauce is 'sweet chilli' I have some at my house that's super low calorie! 1table spoon works out about 8 calories! So I don't point it when I use it! But they don't sell it anymore! :(
Our measurements were and are exactly the same on the waist! How strange is that as we r different weights! I no we have lost the same amount of weight but it's strange that we were the same when starting 35" and now we r both 29"!!

I'm sorry uve had a bad wk! It's probably just because u have been all go go go, now things have settled down ur mind hasn't got so much to think/worry about!