Thanks guys,
I'm usually a really positive person but lately I'm finding it hard!
Every flat I go for falls through for one reason or another and I really don't want to be stuck in this house for a second longer!!! I won't go into details but a damp-filled house with leaking roof and gaps all over the shop does not make for a comfortable living experience. Not to mention that the landlord keeps bodging the roof and getting annoyed when surprise, surprise it leaks again.
I'm doing much better with water this week so here's hoping for a good loss on Monday. I've just ordered my last Exante package as I will be under BMI 40 once I've used it all up and therefore switching back to Cambridge (hooray!).
If I could afford to buy just chocolate shakes and bars instead of the multi-pack with the dreaded strawberry shake, I would stay on Exante. But Cambridge is marginally cheaper for me as I need the bars for when I am at uni during the days.