Thanks Em
I haven't really been around for a few days. I'm feeling a bit down about the diet thing and it's stupid as it's all because I allowed myself go out for lunch on Sunday. I didn't even have anything bad, just veg, chicken and potatoes but there was some gravy and stuffing on the chicken. Even with that I'd say the most pp I used would have been 3 but it made me feel down as it wasn't what I had planned to eat that day, I wasn't mentally prepared for it. I know it sounds stupid. Anyway, yesterday I was on a course and even though I brought my own lunch I actually couldn't eat it as we were all made to sit for a big meal at lunch. Again, this really pissed me off. I had very very little and again it was only really gravy that I had to point but it really upset me or something. It was weird. It must be feeling out of control. Anyway, I was so pissed off that later with tea I had 3 gingernut biscuits. Again only 3 points and not obscene but I got really annoyed with myself on the drive home. In theory I am still under my pp weekly allowance having only used 29 so far but I just feel heavier. I actually cried last so so stupid. I need to get a grip, there will be plenty of times when I won't be in control of the food so I will have to learn to live with it. The thing is I think if I'd planned on having what I had both days I wouldn't have been upset at all. I weigh in tonight. I still hope to have a lost a lb anyway but I was hoping for 2 or 3. I think it would have been fine if this had happened at the start of the week, I would have dealt with it but I feel a little helpless for my wi now. Anyway, god, I shouldn't be whinging so much.
So, moving on..tomorrow is a new week and new start. My sister is home in the morning

It's been 13months since I've seen her, I absolutely can't wait. I'll be a blubbering mess in the airport but I'll be so happy (for about an hour or so then we'll start to fight - that's just our way

I have only 8days of Shred left..woohooo! I have to say I am looking forward to a bit of a break from Jillian. I think I'll take a week off from the DVD's and during that week I'll just do the running so it'll give my body a bit of a break. But then I'm planning to do Jillian's Ripped in 30 DVD's. I might actually count pp during that week too, just to have a real break from everything. Having said that I'm not sure what I'd eat differently.
Back to work now..fingers crossed for a lb off this evening