Silver Member
Lucky you that the paint was water-based, imagine if it had been gloss! You'll have a lovely Christmas with your gorgeous new kitchen filled with love and laughter! 
ellie1969 said:Hmmm I had a rotten day yesterday.... All was going well till I was making dinner and the celebrations started calling my name.... I gave in and had 4 .... Then anouther 4 , then anouther 2 before I could reign myself back inthen after dinner I had a chunky toffee cookie, then 2 cinnamon stars then 3 other little german cake biscuit type things .... I'm so mad with myself and can't believe I had the cheek to sit at supper time and have my sugar free jelly & my last muffin argggghhhh
So yesterday PP day 111
B- 2 scrambled eggs
L- 4 muffins & quark
D- casserole steak
Plus all the extras