ellies dukan diary the next step Cruise

I know pretty gutted about that - we have a list too - has proved invaluable over the years - wouldn't want them to see it though!!!! LOL - we are not always that polite!!!! . Don't want to miss RHS but we will see!!!
Looks like you had a good day Ellie - great to have the wedding as your incentive - wonder how much closer you will be to target for the day - pretty darn close I would say!
House back to normal after your son's visit????? Bet its quiet without him. HOpe you manage to get some tofu this week - you really are missing out!! I have five packs in the fridge - seem to be bulk buying all my favourites cos it drives me nuts to run out!!! Fridge is lovely and full atm - lots of choice!!! LOL! NO EXCUSES not to do it then!
Ellie i think u should box me up some of your muffins and send 'em my way, im yet to make a good batch!!! Lol

LOL mines were a tad charcoaled the last couple of days but still tasted good
Ellie where can I find the venison sausage caserole recipie sound lush,.

sididd I just make some of the recipes up as i go along.... it was just a pack of 6 tesco finest venison sausages, carrots , onions, mushrooms & a veg stock cube. cover with water and bung in the oven. thicken with a little bisto at the end of the cooking time:eek:
not sure how close i will be as no scales now.... will buy some on thursday on my way down to other house but of course i dont have the old ones now to compare weight. Im in a dilema who to take to the highland... I could take the bay boy but his spacky legs let him down when the judge looks closer lol which is a shame as hes such a super flashy mover. the 3 year old will more than likely go but shes going to stud soon so not sure what condition she will look ... but i can get her looking good again fairly fast.... the yearling has went all lanky LOL and doesnt lead outdoors yet. Ive taken rugs back off her as shes not gonna be ready for the early shows.... sods law will predict i dont enter her and she looks fab when the highland comes round .... have been in that position before so i will more than likely enter her anyway
ellie1969 said:
sididd I just make some of the recipes up as i go along.... it was just a pack of 6 tesco finest venison sausages, carrots , onions, mushrooms & a veg stock cube. cover with water and bung in the oven. thicken with a little bisto at the end of the cooking time:eek:

Sounds great thanks, something different stop the food becoming boaring x
Enter them all Ellie - like you say better to be safe than sorry! LOL - Spacky legs pony would get my vote as I love a good mover!!!!! LOL! Still haven't made a decision on whether to enter - need to make our mind up though!!!Otherwise we will go to Border Union in August which I like cos we stay at Kelso racecourse which is actually nice and they have a lovely market on the Sunday with Edinburgh bread rolls, potato scones and square sausage and black pudding and and and and - sure I could find tablet if I looked close enough!
Taking one of our 'new' mares to Royal Norfolk and that probably the best one for a new turnout - no time in the main ring so we stay in the same ring for the championship and a good warm up space!!!!
R the venison sausages allowed Ellie - think I would like to try them - never thought of them before!!! Recipe looks good too! Hope you find the tofu tomorrow and your scales!!!
the venison sausages are pretty low fat etc so im hoping they are ok like the burgers lol

heres my boy aka mr spacky legs LOL he has a habit of turning his shoulder in when standing up for the judge and makes his legs even worse looking than they are LOL I really despair of him sometimes but hes such a character :D


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had a pretty busy day here... suns been shining ... horses been out without rugs on and had a ball rolling & rolling getting rid of the loose hair.... kinda regretted that when i got them in and had to groom them all lol. I was in the garden doing clearance work most of the day again and its starting to take shape again. I even had just a thin top on as it was so nice.... next doors farmer was on the fone tonight saying this may be our summer lol good food day again... ive baked a load of muffins to take down the road with me tommorrow & im making a fish pie to take with me for dinner. the rest of the weekend ill wing it lol

Wednesday PP
B- 2 apple crumble muffins, caramel quark icing
L- salmon & cottage cheese
D- xtra lean mince, ham
S- ham, turkey, muffin, sf jelly, raspberry mousse
Love him what a cutie and a nice mover for sure - cheeky face though!!! Ours are like that - stand like right dilberts exactly when the judge is looking!!LOL! Will look for the venison burger and sausages when next near tesco! Have a great weekend - not four bottles though Miss Ellie!!!
Love him what a cutie and a nice mover for sure - cheeky face though!!!


Your yesterday sounding brill yep spring is on its way and fingers crossed a summer :rolleyes:

have a fab weekend getting all glamorous & dressed up in your new frock :D
Love Edinburgh but only experienced a coffee and a sticky bun in Jenners (the high life eh) a few years ago with my lovely late sister - happy memories :)
i love edinburgh and hate living so far away now as we used to go in most weekends to shop or eat. we picked this weekend to go as im getting my roots done this weekend for the wedding next week... and its the only weekend most ppl can do... one problem the blooming rugby is on so everywhere will be very busy
Ah still will be in the city - beats the country for social life anyway!!! Hope you are not too hungover!!!! Lovely weather down south so making the most of it. Horses still loving it!!!! LOL
New scales bought and the elusive tofu found :p
Hope after all the trouble you went to to find the tofu you actually like it - I made some with lemon in it tonight - yum!!! Mind you also tried the syrup I bought from the low carb mega store with my muffins - yum, yum - said that there were six servings in the bottle - that's a lot of syrup for one serving - probably used less than a quarter of a serving but was v tasty and sugar/fat free with 4 gms of carb per 100mls so I think that is okay??? So the new scales are they on a par with ur other ones - would hate to change scales at this point would drive me nuts I think - took me long enough to get the courage to stand on them for the first time!!! LOL. Horses were good today but learnt a lesson today - you think you know how a horse looks when your riding/driving but boss did a short video of once of my driving horses today and not good - didn't look how it felt if that makes sense so gonna do a lot more video work to sort it out!!! Big revelation today for me!!!!Could have been a one off but...............
I hope I like it too after taking so long to find it lol , have tried the scales tonight fully clothed so no idea whether they are comparable or not will try again in the morning. Good dukan day again as been so busy doing stables making meals to bring with me and driving down the road.... Have done a load of clearing out here somuch junk collected in the last 8 years. Have found mh passport so panic over about nit being able to fly south next weekend lol.

Thursday PV
B- 2 passion fruit muffins & passion fruit quark icing
L- 2 bacon medallions, 2 poached eggs
S- turkey
D- fish pie with celeriac topping, ff greek yoghurt & rhubarb
S- muffin
Have a lovely time Ellie... :)
Thank you jo and thank you for the scales recommendation . I love them as they said this morning I'd lost 4lbs since last weekend, will see what they say at official weigh in tommorrow :D
It was next to the lentils etc in 2 different Asdas I've been in. Chris :)

Another good dukan day :D

Friday PP
B- 2 passion fruit muffins and raspberry mousse
L- chicken
D- turkey & salmon
S- raspberry mousse & a muffin