ellies dukan diary the next step Cruise

So hows the head Ellie?????? LOLOLOL!
Heads not too bad this morning thanks, had my Morgans spiced with loads of diet coke and stopped and swapped to just diet coke at 1am rather tired this morning though as no idea when we got back and hubby kept me awake snoring grrrrr got loads of compliments even from the guys lol and one of our friends announced ages expecting and anouther couple announced they are getting married so was a fab night :D

Hubby took a pic of me in my dress and I loved what I saw.... Think once I've lost the last 6lbs to get me in the healthy bmi I'll be happy :)

Good dukan day again avoided the biscuits with my coffees in the hairdressers :p

Saturday PV
B- 3 passion fruit muffins
L- turkey salad
D- chicken salad and a boiled egg

Drink when out- I lost count

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Well done Ellie!! No biccys with hangover is a major bonus point!!! And piccy of said dress pls!!!
the biccis were yesterday when i was getting my hair done LOL
Removing the bonus point then!!! Have a great day Ellie and make the most of the city! x
still didnt eat them though lol

heres a pic of the dress... ignore me looking gormless and the state of the other house... been having a major clearout and its such a mess grr


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Well it looks alright I mean nothing special..........................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL - looks amazing!!!! Fanbloodytastic! Well done Ellie, you can have the bonus points back!!
And your right at least your didn't eat the biccys!!!!
Check out my post on the tofu cheesecake Ellie - check you did the recipe like that - also try different flavours!
i didnt dry the tofu oops
Hope you like the tofu dessert better next time around. Needs to be chilled too before you eat it and use plenty of flavouring/sweetner!!! I find I need more vanilla in it than I would have thought to taste it - trial and error really. So busy weekend looking at our show plan and looks like we are entering RHS and then showing at our local show to see how we do before traipsing to Scotland!!! Also doing Lincoln, Norfolk, Cornwall, Three Counties in June so gonna be busy!!! Will need to get organised!! LOL - oh and try the mare in a curb!!!! That could be fun!!!HOpe your cold not getting you down - naughty hubby sharing it! Glad you had a good weekend Ellie - heres to a great Dukan week. Wedding to look forward to next weekend - is that the dress your wearing to the wedding?
no im wearing a different dress to the wedding :D another new one lol
good day today & a great dukan food day... have really enjoyed my food today :D and not had the munchies for a change LOL

monday PV
B- 2 goji berry & cinnamon muffins, vanilla quark icing
L- salmon & a mix of roasted peppers & cherry tomatoes
D- chilli beef, peppers, onions & carrots (was very yum today)
S- muffin, stewed rhubarb & vanilla flavoured nat yoghurt
im struggling to eat today... hubby has shared his stinking cold and i feel absolutley crud :(
Oh dear not good - hope you feel better in the morning and that you are managing to stay Dukan friendly. That blimmin cold better sling it's hook before the weakend! Are you getting excited about the wedding??? Where is it?? Have you got a lovely couple of days planned??? Hope so........... Tell your hubby not to be so generous with his germs next time. When is your next horse show????? Anything in the offing??? How are the boys and girls - our foal is getting wicked from too much attention!
have managed to stay on track... plus TOTM has made an appearance :( but really struggled to eat today.... just wasnt hungry. least i only have 1 stable to do in the morning as the rest have been turfed back out tonight after getting a feed and a wee drop hay. The wedding is in liphook so flying to gatwick sunday morning , hiring a car & staying at hotel nr airport. flying back early monday morning so really is a flying visit. just hope this cold does one before then.

PP wednesday mainly as i didnt want to eat
B- muffin, 1/2 portion tofu cream left over from tuesday
L- omelette & ham
d- salmon & cottage cheese (ate half of it)
S- 2 muffins & a yoghurt
That is a flying visit but hopefully it will be lovely and your cold will be gone or at least not as bad!!! Well done for sticking with it today - must have been hard not to fall for some comfort food. Well done! Nice to know only one stable for the morning - good idea to turf the rest out. We started teasing the mares today and boy do the stallions know it - all stood there with eyes on stalks and wilds as anything - hilarious!!!! LOL!