ellies dukan diary the next step Cruise

i love Goji berrys :D

wedding was fab thanks :D
Ellie if I could sent you them goji berries over the airways I would x
Dgirl said:
Try soaking them in boiling water with a bit of cherry or other fruit flavouring then add them to your muffins.

Ok will do thanks for the idea Dgirl x
Yes defo pics - was everyone gobsmacked at the new slinky Ellie???? My Dad kept on and on about how amazing I looked today when he visited - it's nice when people see the big difference!!! Think it gave him food for thought with his own weight! Hope all good at the ranch when you got back and you are over your cold. x
yes everyone kept saying how amazing i looked.... when i walked into the reception the groom looked round and shouted OMG where is the rest of you LOL hes such a lovely genuine bloke and said i looked fabulous
Ellie what a fantastic complement and an ego boost and well deserved x
not a great picture of the dress as hubby a bit rubbish with the camera LOL

good pp day today and lots of weeding done on the drive... my legs and back ache :(

tuesday PP
B- 2 muffins & quark icing
L- 2 egg omelette & ham
D- mexican spiced chicken & cottage cheese
S- muffin turkey & hm yoghurt


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ellie1969 said:
not a great picture of the dress as hubby a bit rubbish with the camera LOL

good pp day today and lots of weeding done on the drive... my legs and back ache :(

tuesday PP
B- 2 muffins & quark icing
L- 2 egg omelette & ham
D- mexican spiced chicken & cottage cheese
S- muffin turkey & hm yoghurt

Amazing lovely dress!!!!
LOVE the dress Ellie you look fandabadastic!!! Hope your cold has gone now and you are feeling better and having a good Dukan week?? I am looking forward to this weekend - got this murder mystery evening and now have an okay dress to wear - not sure if it will be an good night or not - one of those that you can't predict - will either be amazing or pants!!!! LOL. Got to get a hip flask for my vodka!!! Only wine being served at the party!!! Diet coke for me with a sneaky addition!!! LOL! We will see if we dance the night away or are home at 9pm!!!!!
still have the cold trudy but not as bad .... still weeding the drive and i ache all over :( ... was having a good dukan week untill yesterday... I then started binging.... Im like a bulimic when that happens but I dont part with it... wonder if theres a name for a greedy bulimic... I feel so flaming annoyed with myself as im so close to target :( i know what triggered it... hubby said in bed the night before that when i get to target he hopes i put some weight back on so im a more normal weight as at the moment i look anorexic ...honestly men have no idea.... well he doesnt as hes never been overweight in his life. im nowhere near anorexic im still in the overweight range and i want to get out of it.... ive been obese since i had my son 19 years ago and ive never been less than 13 stone since ive been with simon... hes never seen me slim :(
Oh dear, sometimes I just don't think they realise what there saying has such an effect! I'm loved fat or thin which is nice and means no pressure - but if I had comments like that pointed at me I would be feeling a bit:(:mad:!!!! Hope today you are ready to get back on the pony and move on - really Ellie you are such a glamour puss and honestly I think you look slim and beautiful - not anorexic! As you said you are attracting alot of attention from men now that you are near target - maybe other half is feeling a little bit threatened? Dunno, but anyways, brush it aside and carry on - you are sooooooo close to target, it's just around the corner - maybe two or three good weeks would do it???? :D If the weathers nice why not go out for a good blast on one of the ponies today ?? Always cheers me up! You need a break from the weeding!! Just rode the hot big horse in company today and she was amazing:p there is hope we may make it to a show one day!!!!! LOLOLOL. Been looking on Ebay for american showing suits - some lovely ones but defo needs to happen when I am at target - not now!!!! Chin up Ellie and DUKAN,DUKAN,DUKAN - you get the picture! LOL
my chin is back up after stepping on the scales this morning urghhhh...I will carry on regardless of what he thinks...its me im doing this for no-one else !!
Its a bit dull and overcast at the moment... just about to get the ponies in for a few hours for haylage so i may ride my boy later in the afternoon... he will either cheer me up or kill me when passing the cows lol
On and up my Dukan friend - hope the pony doesn't kill you and the cows stay away!!!!LOL!
well managed to get through the day... hubbys back from his business trip and noticed the missing food i consumed yesterday. my body really is aching tonight after another few hours back breaking weeding of the gravel drive.

thursday PP
B- 2 coffee muffins & coffee quark icing 3 black coffees
L- 2 poached eggs, smoked salmon, black coffee pint water
D- 2 venison burgers, cottage cheese, 2 pints water
s- muffin & caramel tofu cream