ellies dukan diary the next step Cruise

the show is sunday and hubby is riding...im just the groom LOL... ive never ridden in the ring myself .... I just dont have the nerve for it :( i am planning on getting some lessons this summer to try and build my confidence up about riding in front of strangers. funny thing is i will get on almost anything at home and be quite happy but i cant do it at a show.... even inhand im nervous lol

When hubby came in this afternoon i said right lets get this baby out ... havent tried her in the field since the last time she dragged 2 off us off our feet :p he said are you sure ... i was like yes I NEED to get her out with the rest for her own mind sake... so i put the chain on under her chin for more control .... hubby took the easy option and followed with the highland lol only needed to give her a sharp tug twice and she stood nice at the gate eating a mint till i got the chain off

such a relief when the rest went in and she was as good as gold

friday PP
B- 2 cinnamon goji berry muffins, vanilla quark icing
L- 2 egg omellette & ham, raspberry mousse
D- salmon, smoked haddock & prawns
S- muffin & ff greek yoghurt
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those scales really are playing mind games with me lol up & down like a yoyo this week start of week, 11.4 then 11.3 1/4 then 11.2 then yesterday 11.2 1/2 then this morning 11.0 1/2 :sigh: so at least im now only 1/2lb more than i was a few weeks ago
Ellie your doing so well and reading your daily fluctuations I'm in trouble this week tomorrow is my weigh in and I've so far put 1LB on
try not to worry... i went up by 1/2 a lb yesterday then suddenly dropped 2 today... my scales have now been put away untill next saturday and i am NOT weighing in between as i cant cope with the daily fluctuations lol
Yeah I think that's what I'll do just weigh once a week, your right it plays mind games and does affect your mood, and I need to be happy today my daughter in laws suprise baby shower is at 4, foods ie pastries arrived so all i need to do is sandwiches and another friend bringing cup cakes ooooo the excitements tooo much, all her special people will be there, we got it down to approx 25 close friends, family a special day so I feel lifted already by telling you.....party, party x
oh enjoy yourself and stay away from the cupcakes LOL

im just making fruit scones for hubby .... oh dear they smell luvvly jubbly
DO NOT touch the scones. That is fab news about weigh in, 1/2lb is nothing Ellie and glad your not going to torture yourself any more by weighing every day - COME one now you are soooo close to target - no excuses, buckle down and get rid of that last 6.5lbs!!! And take pity on me still having a mahooosive 28lbs left to lose!!! lol! Ah sad to hear you won't ride at a show - defo get the lessons booked so you have no excuses, once you have done it once you will be flying. Mind you I haven't ridden in a show for about five or so years and I would if we had a lovely horse that I wanted to ride but all of ours are babies and therefore I leave them to the youngsters, that said if my boss doesn't ride at Three Counties then I will ride the stallion I was riding on Mothers Day - still gotta get a suit to fit yet though!! Glad the youngster was sooo well behaved today - such a relief isn't it!!! Good luck at the show tomorrow - if the weather is like today then what a perfect show day - mind you losing the hour tonight will probably mean a stupid early start. x
we are the 2nd last class so no early start required thankfully... got the blacksmith coming to trim the boy at 4... hope hes ok i hate having to change blacksmiths
oh and i managed to get the baby in away from the rest this morning on my own.... we may just be getting somewhere with the little madam lol
Well done you and well done baby for behaving - sometimes they surprise you!!! Good luck tomorrow hope the bay boy on good form and that the farrier was okay!!! We have a fab farrier, not sure what we would do without him!!! Got a load of food packed for the morning so you have plenty to snack on!!! How far away is it??? Will wait to see how you go!!! Don't forget to update us!!! Like I say nice weather for a show!! Have fun!
baby blotted her report card going out tonight as she spotted the smoke from the bonfire we had and reared up and put her front feet in my face.... managed to keep hold of her though ...little bugger
hope you're ok ellie! a (sort of) reasonable spook if it's something new...or am I being soft! Hope you're not injured!
I managed to step back out the way of her feet as she was trying to get me and pull her back down to earth... they are some height when they go up even as babys lol... was at tescos and got loads of mints for her to try and keep her mind occupied as the bonfire is still smoking this morning

she looks like butter wouldnt melt lol


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You're all braver women than me :eek:, had an experience like that one as a kid - pretty much convinced me at the time I was evil or had 666 tattooed somewhere...horse went ballistic but only at me, not at any other kids or adults....so I did like Ross Kemp and "got the hell outta there:D"

Scared of horses now :eek::( x
they are fickle creatures... and always know how to make a show of you :p
yep im fine... have a few bruises coming up where she skiffed me.... she was good but hesitant coming in this morning and good going out again tonight so its just going to take time with her.

Weather has been so hot today so made being at the show till 6pm worthwhile even though the boy is a twat... im not saying which one LOL :p
Ah glad you had a lovely day at the show even if bayboy wasn't the best behaved I guess??? Poor hubby have a tough time??? LOL! Glad little one was good to turn out and get back in - scary when they throw legs at your head. I left the gate open by mistake when checking the yearlings tonight and one wandered out - hmmmmm some quick running from one of my girls sorted it out quickly but duh - hilarious!!! Was it a good Dukan day? Hope so - weather is just glorious but were paying for it a bit with the flies!!!! GRRR!
he was very hard work today and just wouldnt settle down so ended up dripping in sweat... i was so embarressed by them that i wanted to chuck it back in the box and go home...but he said he was taking the bugger in the ring by hook or by crook....he was poky nosed in the go round but still managed to get pulled in 3rd.... 1st pony had to be ran again the wall to stop it and it kept napping... the 2nd did an ok show after it spooking in the go round and brodie did a foot perfect show despite poking his nose out... was so shocked when the judge pulled him in 2nd :D ...she said to hubby that his show was very correct & precise and he was a lovely pony... so proud of him despite him being an embarresment LOL

need to try different bits again as he really doesnt like the show pelham :(
Ah bless bay boy Brodie - he has a good sense of humour and hubby gets brownie points for perseverance!! Have you tried the myler bits -has a lozenge middle on the weymouth - we have a fussy gal and she loves the myler ones, they seem to be nice and soft! might be worth a try??? Anyways 2nd place is respectable, hope you gave him a carrot at the end of it all!!!! I have to get our tb x going in a curb - not looking forward to it tbh - think we may long rein him first - don't want any deaths to occur!!! LOL! Loved the pic of your youngster - she has a bold look in her eye!!! Hmmmmm fun, fun, fun. Our new horse in training is really finding his feet and starting to show his true colours - reckon he had someone very nicely on the run - first he naps, then he ducks his shoulder and his party piece is to throw his nose in your face - he didn't reckon on Sophie though and she was ready for it all so he ended up going around like he was a gem but you know given the opportunity the games would begin again!!! LOL - supposed to be using him as a lesson horse at Easter - need a brave rider for him, or someone who needs bringing down a peg or two! LOL!