ellies dukan diary the next step Cruise

Oh dear no wonder you were a bit quiet!!! Blimmin men - your hubby needs a serious kick up the behind!!! Could have done a wee bit more considering he knows you are feeling a bit under the weather but as everyone says ' typical'!!!! Eating a small amount of choccy on such a day is easy to forgive and I think you were very very conservative - I would have gone mad and thrown the teddies completely, and certainly would have consumed more than half a galaxy and a small pack of thorntons!!! BUT Ellie the only person that can get back in the zone is you and you know you want to................. get that strong mental attitude back that kept you in check for months and sprint for the finish line of cruise!!! Then onto conso.............. its very nice of you to wait for me but you need to be my guinea pig!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for yesterday Ellie - remember my suggestion to meet up with friends and go shopping - do it - just pick up the phone and make a plan - everything else can wait - get some 'me' time in and it might just perk you up! xxxx
unfortunately all my friends live 3 hours away :( im stuck here on my own most of the time... just had a call from the vets to say the mares swab results are back so now have to try get her to stud before i leave on thursday for the show
Happy birthday for yesterday, Ellie! I can't believe your husband - what the hell is he doing, forgetting altogether then bringing you chocolate! Have you ever thought of trading him in for a newer model?

Seriously, though, I do think you should treat yourself if no-one else is going to... Go out, spend LOADS of money on whatever makes you feel good (as long as it's calorie-free, of course!) You really deserve it xx
OMG sorry HAPPY BIRTHDAY toooooooo yooooo xxxxxx
Happy belated birthday Ellie xxxxxxxx

I sort of know how you feel, my birthday is Christmas day & as it's Christmas it's everyones day not just mine. I do get lots of prezzies thouigh from TDM but i have to write a list a month beforehand. This might sound mean but I wish he would buy me something not on the list so I know he's put some thought into it. A bit like me & his birthday, I'm taking him to Dublin.

The other thing that get my goat is my presents are always in Christmas wrapping paper no birthday paper........petty i know
jojo my nephew on hubbys side is also xmas day.... hubby always buys the rest of the kids a xmas pressie but he gets a birthday pressie.... I keep telling him it should be 2 presents lol
Oh god Ellie yes he certainly should, I lost out loads when I was little.

My family were good to be honest i always had more & presnets were split with the correct wrapping paper, or it worked to my advantage if i wanted something big I would get it as it was classed as both birthday & christmas.

Tell your hubby his nephew will be traumtised for life now :)
lol think hes past being traumatised... he was 21 last birthday and became a dad today... jeese that makes me a great auntie lol unfortunately hes not interested in the baby and wasnt with the girl ... hes the one missing out:rolleyes:
Evening Ellie, had a quick look at mm at work and didnt have time to write more.....bloody men....think your hubby goes for prezzys at the same shop as mine lol.....do you know, on valentines day he went to co-op got me a card and flowers.....orrrr I hear you say....ooooooohhhhhh nnnnnnoooo he popped in for cans on his way home from work at 8.30PM and only bought them because they had slashed the prices...to be wanted.... huufff. Sorry its a day late wishing you birthday greetings xxx
Well, I hope you have you have had a fab belated birthday today! :birthday:

One year my hubby hadn't got me a card or a present!! On the day of my birthday he said lets go out and buy you something for your birthday, i went ballistic,:eek: and said he can stick the shopping trip were the sun don't shine, he had only had 12 months to get me a card and pressie. He has never done it since and I did get the sewing machine I wanted th next day, I often remind him about this, lol ;)
Happy Belated Birthday to the Lovely Ellie - ah wish I could have had lunch with you to celebrate your birthday Aberdeen a bit too far - Sorry & Men ugh! mines sat here in a grump with a face like a slapped arse .............
Hahaha love to hear your words of endearment for mr.c you make me laugh lol I'm looking at his twin now lol xxx
Many Happy Returns! Men they are all the same, mine was working away for my bday, he called me and said I have organised something u have always wanted, obviously I got all excited as that REALLY isnt him, he normally waits for me to tell him what to buy or buy it myself! Chickens!!! I was thrilled I asked him when are they coming but he explained when he said he organised he meant he was working in someones house who had them and he knows I keep asking for them he asked them where they got the coop/run and chickens from....................that was feb,,,,he hasnt mentioned it again. :sigh:
morning guys.... not much to report from yesterday.... wasnt a good day really but under my belt and so i carry on. just about to phone the owner of the stallion im using on my mare to put her on standby then phone the stud thats taking her for insemination. so will be hopefully taking her there today as her swabs came back all clear yesterday. at least that will keep me away from the demon foods lol. Ive got to pack up the last bits of show kit when i get back into the landrover & trailer for driving down to fife tommorow. busy busy busy.... was hoping to get the boy out for a god blast round the forests tommrrow and friday whedn i get there but the forcast isnt looking great :rolleyes:
well my plans have just went tits up.... got hold of the stallion owner eventually and hes been sold and on his way to ireland today :( so now im tearing my hair out trying to find an alternative .... no point in taking the mare to stud untill i can find one as then it will just end up costing me money for her to be there longer... arghhhh could do without the stress.... I will not binge I will not binge grrrrrrrrrr . right im away to pat a few ponies while banging my head against the stable walls lol
Ouch poor head and why is it that the best laid plans always fly out the window!!!! Concentrate on the show Ellie - all will be fine - and a trip down to Fife will do you the world of good - I used to live in Glenrothes and Dunfirmline so fond memories of the area!!!! Also it's close enough to retail heaven to get a fix or two don't you think..... Especially if the weather is no good!!!
got a few calls to make so will leave the mare till im back monday, my other house is actually in a wee village called freuchie, next to glenrothes ;) will pop into glenrothes for retail therapy thursday and friday LOL. cant find navy trousers for showing in anywhere..... bought a pair of navy jeans in primark at the weekend but they are too denimy looking against my jacket grrrrr. I also cannot find the bag of number elastic i bought or the hairnets .......how much are you betting they turn up on monday LOL so much easier being the groom grrrrrrr haha everything else is packed so will get it all in the car today... make sure my cane is there and gloves. sort out the grooming kit pack waterproofs .... the list is endless
:bunnydance::bunnydance:Ellie stay strong and keep away from mars bars xxx your having a stressful week, enjoy your weekend *MASSIVE HUGS* just added that icon.....thought it was cute.....just to cheer you up a bit xxx