Just took at peek....the Courtesan Gold Corset is so amazing....wow there are so many amazing looks you could create with it!!! Your own hair is far cooler than the wig!! But it did capture the period!!
Oh and bby the way girls I got one of Elles corsets the other day and it is fantastic!! I am going to put a picture on to see if I can rival Elles picture!!
Oh and bby the way girls I got one of Elles corsets the other day and it is fantastic!! I am going to put a picture on to see if I can rival Elles picture!!
Sorry girls, i went for the fern design and it's black and white. OH was on nights all weekend so I didnt get much chance to get online. I havr started part time from today and am only working tues and wed this week brilliant!!
HI sorry!! Its not a new job its just part time hrs which is why I dont seem to get a chance to log on as much. I went out in the new corset of friday noght and I took some pictures before hand so I will stick them on when I get a chance this week. I have to say everyone loved it and I got so many people asking me where I got it I think I could keep Elle in business for a year!! It really does make you feel so sexy!! You should all get one!!