Elvis daily diary

Had chicken for dinner last night and a bit fed up with chicken now its so bland
had my cheese and bars for breakfast
lunch will be ham and beef salad to use stuff up
Had my bars for brekkie

lunch was a cheese omelette hea with fried onions mushroom and tomatoes

dinner is roast chicken as OH insists thats what he wants!!! So too lazy to cook 2meals chicken it is again lol
Didnt have it

been an awful day.....redundancies at work due to a a takeover so have been snacking...when stressed and depressed i eat....my OH is away for the weekend too so need to,get a grip bit just feel like crying
Trying to get back on target today.....will need to fit into my work clothes to go for interviews

breakfast polished off my hea cheese triangles and benefit bars

lunch is a full roast...lamb as my OH is way tomorrow and Monday and didnt want to miss his weekly roast

dinner will be a light snack or just fruit
Feeling very depressed ......diet is out the window.....
Thought I'd look to see if you had a diary so have been having a read.

Hope your ok.
You've done so well so far.....remember tomorrow's another day :)
Pic of E to cheer me up


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Thought I'd look to see if you had a diary so have been having a read.

Hope your ok.
You've done so well so far.....remember tomorrow's another day :)

I know i cant stop thinking about it big meeting with HR at work first thing to tell us about the redundancies ...gutted
One of my favs i touched this suit once


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Success express is 2/3 superfree per meal and only superfree snacks to give you a boost...not recommended this early but as im immobile after fracturing my foot i didnt want to gain again
I tend to only have a few syns a day really unless im eating food that isnt free by,mistake,lol
Often an extra benefit bar or small bar of thin cadburys as thats my fav...5.5 syns
nope,not even gonna write what i ate today...or yesterday now...cant sleep with worry and am still eating......
Hopefully today is a new day and my luck will improve