Parenting is a very tough job - trust me as a mother of a 10 year old it can be very very trying, unfortunately they don't come with instructions, you just have this little person who depends entirely. My meg is a bit overweight, only slightly, and i keep thinking got to do something about this, but she is a healthy 10 year old, she exercises every day, goes to tennis, basketball, netball (x2), martial arts and football clubs every week, netball she plays for school and local team, so once the season starts in september, she will be playing three times as we have saturday matches. She is allowed one treat a day, she rarely gets chicken nuggets and the like, she eats mostly what we eat, however, i am not good at portion control, so if she says i am hungry, i will let her have a bit more, reality is, she's not hungry she is just being greedy, a habit she has learnt from me her fat mum.
Oh dear, gone off on a tangent...back to my point...then comes the day when you're little darling becomes independent and no longer relies on you, you've lost control and it's a horrid horrid feeling, i haven't experienced it yet but it will happen.
I suspect your Mum is a little jealous, maybe she think cos she lost all her weight and put it back on so will you, i suspect its also because she is no longer in control of what you are eating, maybe she thinks that if she is extra tough on you it will make you all the more determined to lose all the weight
If you were my baby girl Emma-Louise, I would be over the moon that you were taking control and fighting your demons, you are a lovely girl, sometimes us grown-ups/parents get it wrong, but i (and I am sure many others) will continue giving you the support and encouragement you need, think of us as your minimins family!
my stepmum was horrendous, that's how my issues with food started, it was my friend and solace, unfortunately, because i was such a sporty teenager the excess calories were burnt off, but once i started work and found the wonderful world of alcohol the weight started to go on...and on...and on...