Full Member
I'm sorry to hear you've had trouble with your stomach again EmmaI really hope things settle for you - I must admit I don't know whats worse - going a lot or not at all!
Hope you've had a good day today and good luck with your weigh in...is it later today? I'm sure you'll do great!
Tc X
Thanks Willow, weigh in is tomorrow morning - can't wait!
So day 7 - woop woop did you hear that DAY SEVEN!!! Done a full week by bed time
My tummy has settled down and (soz TMI coming up) I have even had a normal poo....where the bloomin heck is it coming from???? Just to add to the TMI I also got my period today so I wonder if that will affect the weigh-in? Its so great being a girl!
Tan tan and I did another walk / jog half hour this evening. I dropped the girls off at my mums (who doesn't know I'm back on LT) and she told me she was doing a bbq and will save me a plate of food. No thank you I am ok I replied, why ? why? why won't you eat? I have salad! Mums eh?
So am having a peek thro all your threads then think it must be bed time. Weigh day tomorrow! Weigh day tomorrow!! Can't wait!
Hope all's well in Lipoland and its full of shiny happy people