Emmas Diary

I'm sorry to hear you've had trouble with your stomach again Emma :( I really hope things settle for you - I must admit I don't know whats worse - going a lot or not at all!

Hope you've had a good day today and good luck with your weigh in...is it later today? I'm sure you'll do great!

Tc X

Thanks Willow, weigh in is tomorrow morning - can't wait!

So day 7 - woop woop did you hear that DAY SEVEN!!! Done a full week by bed time :) It really has gone quickly and altho I have glanced longingly at the white rolls I have in the kitchen, I can honestly say it hasn't been too bad.
My tummy has settled down and (soz TMI coming up) I have even had a normal poo....where the bloomin heck is it coming from???? Just to add to the TMI I also got my period today so I wonder if that will affect the weigh-in? Its so great being a girl!

Tan tan and I did another walk / jog half hour this evening. I dropped the girls off at my mums (who doesn't know I'm back on LT) and she told me she was doing a bbq and will save me a plate of food. No thank you I am ok I replied, why ? why? why won't you eat? I have salad! Mums eh?

So am having a peek thro all your threads then think it must be bed time. Weigh day tomorrow! Weigh day tomorrow!! Can't wait!

Hope all's well in Lipoland and its full of shiny happy people :) xx
Weigh in day! :) Pleased to report a loss of 9lb! Exactly the same as last time - weird huh?

Hope you all have a fab day, Im off to have my shake and will report back later xx
So its day 9 - I didn't post anymore yesterday cos I had a killer headache and went to bed really early, even missing the last shake. Feel really down but I know its a case of head down, get on with it for the next few weeks or all my lovely holiday clothes will be left behind and I will have to spend a fortune on new fat girl clothes :(

Hope to be more cheery tomorrow - fed up of being a misery guts!

Hope everyone ok xx
Hope your headaches better now?
I'm totally with you on the holiday clothes motivation :)
Hope tommorrow is lovely and sunny to help cheer you up x
Hope your headaches better now?
I'm totally with you on the holiday clothes motivation :)
Hope tommorrow is lovely and sunny to help cheer you up x

Hahaha is peeing it down! Never mind I actually do feel a bit better today, headache seems to have gone and I'm not quite so snappy - give it time tho - its only 8am!

I have got to day 10 100%! So pleased! Trying to work out if I have enough time to get to target, I may have to miss out on a few events coming up, I will still go I will just be the designated driver! I think I will focus on how my clothes feel rather than actual weight as I seem to have changed shape a bit since last time...

Is it super shallow that I want just 1 person to notice? I think I have been such a yo-yo over the last year they are probably afraid to comment!! Also because my clothes were getting a bit tight (to say the least) I don't think I will be going down a size too soon!

Anyway, off I go to dancing 3 hours of fun fun fun waiting for my girlies :)

Have a Super Saturday xxx
Day 10 done, in bed about to sleep but thought I would do a quick check in. Day passed ok, tantan and I did another walk/ run half hour and felt like we were making some progress which is good. Made pizza and chips for tea and I so could have eaten the leftovers. Luckily hubby cleared it all away while we were 'joggling' so there was nothing to see when we returned. Work again tomorrow which is ok cos it will go pretty quick.

Hope all is well with y'all xxx
Day 11 - pleased to report soooooooooo much better! Really feel much more in control and not half as grumpy :)
At work most of the day but had tea (well the rest of the family did!) at Tantans house, mostly spent the time looking at recipes to cook after lipo and at holiday reviews! So good to have a buddy to spur me along, and hopefully I do the same for her :)

Another bout of upset tummy, really not sure what to do about it.

Still have one shake to go, will have it before bed.

Well tomorrow is the start of another week, they honestly can't go quick enough - want it to be over now!!

Hope everyone is going good xx
Day 12 almost over....done another session of walk / run, getting better after every time. Hopefully it will aid the weight loss but so far the scales havent moved this week :(
Hows everyone else?
Well, as you know...i've been doing nothing except moaning that my scales aren't moving. They haven't moved anymore this evening.......so I'm a bit down...but keeping going. stay strong lady, see you tomorrow for our walk/joggle :))x
Hi Emma how r u Hun how's it going!!
Hi Emma how r u Hun how's it going!!

Hi Danni, yep going ok...same as you really, craving a comforting snack but still 100%.

Here I am on day 14 :) yay day 14 :) Still bummed cos my scales aren't moving AT ALL how can not eating all week result in no weight loss??? We will see tomorrow I suppose.

Went for another run tonight and we are doing really well. So pleased at Tantan and my progress. As I said before - if you would like to sponsor me....!!

Will update tomorrow and hopefully move my ticker a few notches - will be a very hard week next week if its right and I haven't lost.

Hope all's well in lipoland xxx
So Emma what do u do during the week while hubbies away!!
Hi Emma,sorry you are still suffering with the tum,but great going with the jogging! Good idea to focus on your size/shape instead of actual weight,you must be building some muscle anyway with all the exercise and we all know it weighs more than fat:)

Hope you've had a good loss:cross:
Hi All, day 15 and weigh in day. Lost 4lb, was actually really disapointed but should be pleased I know.

Had to go to hospital with poorly daughter, she has a chest infection and had to be nebulised and have a chest x-ray. Hours stuck in hospital with obvious worrying then eventually got to told we could go and some bugger had driven past my parked car and smashed the wing mirror :( So not a good day, I so just wanted to come home and have a dinner. She hasn't slept in 2 nights so I am absolutely exhausted. But I'm here at the end of the day and all is a-ok.

Heres hoping for a happier day 2moz - hope everyone else is good xx
oh hun I'm so sorry! :( I really hope things settle down for you and your daughter feels better soon - I've had bronchitis more than once and that's horrid enough! You've done amazing to keep 100% and really keep going hun as it will completely be worth it! Remember I'm only a message away on fb if you need any support! Also 4 lb is bloody brilliant!!! It all adds up and it's going in completely the right direction! :D

Tc hun!

well done thats practically a stone gone in 2weeks a fab loss. I just been reading that you go for a run I'm really impressed. I exercised (brisk walking)- and did lots of cleaning round the house so as to keep my mind off eating and my self busy -but did not start running until my refeed.

POOR You I've noticed that you had Friday the 13th a day early.
Hi Emma,well done on your loss,4lb is great,so much for your scales not moving eh? You know you wouldn't have got that on the second week of 'traditional' diets!

So sorry your daughter has been so poorly,I hope she feels better very soon for both your sakes, you deserve a medal for staying 100% with the added stress, its times like this that we long for our crutches isn't it? Well done x
Thanks everyone for your support, I really do appreciate it. Happy to report Darcy is much better. Sha has had daily steroids and antibiotics and is almost back to her usual self. Its amazing how quickly kids bounce back!

Today is day 17 and its really just a way of life now. Went for another run last night - we pushed quite hard and I am proud of us. We will wizz round our 5k course on 12th June :)

Have a lovely Saturday everyone xx