Emmas Diary

Day 18 (got a bit muddled with days in last post Friday was actually 16 not 17) Today is Sunday and I'm afraid I'm not quite 100% :( I had a cup of tea with the teeniest splash of milk. I know I shouldn't but I haven't had a hot drink in nearly 2 weeks. Black coffee turns my stomach now and tried Redbush tea and its not really for me. The fact I feel so much better for it means I don't even feel guity!

Anyway, thats the confessions out the way...

Went to the pub yesterday after lunch...was pretty grim just drinking fizzy water but the company made it enjoyable in spite of no lovely Mr Daniels which is what I would usually indulge in on a rare visit out!

Started some holiday shopping today, got the girls some lovely dresses and sandals, felt a bit left out that I couldn't even look - who knows what size I will be in 14 weeks time? I could give up tomorrow (I won't!) and be this size, or I could go for another 5 or 6 weeks and be at least a size smaller. Silly to feel like that isn't it but its like a family tradition that we look for holiday clothes together - my chance will come and I may even feel good about myself when looking in the mirror!!

Darcy improving every day, she has a bit of a cough but seems to be just fine now. Thank you all for the lovely messages for her :)

Will be going for another joggle later...this session is 20mins without stopping - eeek! If anyone wants a fabulous training program to work to the 'couch to 5k' app is great. Takes you from walking to being able to run no stopping for 40mins in 9 weeks, as long as you go 3 times a week. We had some previous experience so have skipped a few sessions and are now up to week 5. Should be done by Race for Life as long as we keep the training.

Hope everyone else has had a good weekend - heres to the week to come xx
Just to say we did our 20 min run and felt fabulous! We really spur each other on - there is no way I could do it without Tantan.

Also - I wore a pair of size 14 jeans today :D they may be a big 14 but just pleased I could wear them xx
just like to post on here that I have had the most awful couple of days really wanting food, and while I'm supposed to be supporting em and trying to keep chin up, she's the one motivating me and keeping me going!!! joggling great, couldn't do it without you....let's keep going!!xx
To be honest my loss is exactly the same as the first time I did lipo and we didn't do any real exercise until a good few weeks in. However, its almost like it gives you energy! We do one session and it makes us want to carry it on and do the next one. The fact we have a 5k race in 4 weeks time is also good motivation! We are following a program which really helps as there s always something to aim for.

Tantan you are fab - you keep me going and never moan about having to listen to my moaning! :)
Emmie and Tantan - keep up the great work.

Emmie, have you tried peppermint tea - it's my saviour!

wish me luck for my weigh in tomorrow

xx Rebeccah
Your doing amazing Emma and I'm so happy Darcy is feeling better too! Keep going hun and I'm sure the run in a few weeks will be so great! :)

Well done Emma and Tantan... I did body pump yesterday and cant move today... weigh in today too! in ONE HOUR! haha

Good luck Rebeccah! Know how you feel - we'll do it! :) x

A bit of exercise makes you feel good doesn't it :)
Good luck for weigh in! xx
Hi Emma,
Just wondering about exercising. I haven't done a thing - been literally going to bed with a a magazine and laptop every evening at about 8 - (I kid you not!) removing myself from temptation! But I've been doing it 2 weeks now and feel I'm in a routine now and that the worst is behind me.
So maybe it's time to exercise. Have you any advice? Is there anything I need to bear in mind or indeed avoid? Do you find it accelerates your weight loss?
Cheers Emma & thanks for you posts, they're keeping me going!!
Rebeccah xxx
We do it for 2 reasons really -
1) to train for race for life (we did it in a really good time last year; about 25 minutes - Tantan is super competitive and would hate us not to beat it!!!)
2) it actually makes us feel good! We get out the house for an hour and put the world to rights as we go round (when we are able to breathe!!)
As far as weight loss is concerned I really don't think it has much bearing as I have lost at exactly the same rate as last time even tho we are going 3 times a week. We may be replacing fat with muscle which is heavier? I really don't know.

My advise to you tho is to listen to your body and if it says stop - stop! On the previous page I talked about the program we are following - couch to 5k. It starts off really gently and you can always repeat a week if you don't think you are ready to move on to the next one. We are loving it and it really builds stamina quickly.
We like running because it is free and on our doorstep - having young kids its not easy to get big blocks of time. Our pharmacist recommended zumba, Ive not done it but sounds good fun and there are classes everywhere!

Whatever you decide to do make sure you enjoy it or it will just be a chore and you will never stick to it. Thats all the advise I can give really :)
Hi Emma & Tori,
Thanks so much for that great advice. I looked up couch to 5k - looks very doable, cool. Thanks girls, I need to get up off my (still) fat ass! I had heard it was inadvisable because of energy, but I realise now that's just an excuse - need to stop being lazy and change old habits that got me in this mess in the first place!

Day 21!! Weigh in tomorrow - really hoping for a good one but once again scales don't seem to keen on moving :S

Another run tonight - our 9th in 3 weeks! So pleased with ourselves :)

Can't really say too much - been a bit detatched the last few days. Anyone else have the feeling they are walking round the world stuck in a bubble??

Hope all's well in Lipoland xxxx
yes I def have felt detached this week, and major mood swings too. Good luck for today X
Thats fab,well done,you've certainly earned every pound:)
Emma, well done, that's incredible! Brilliant!
Tanya, try not to be discouraged, it might be fluid etc. it'll show next week!

Keep it up girls!
Emma that's brilliant! Keep up the good work, your doing amazing!!! :)

Well done Hun your really doing well I've not posted for a while been detached at work and found this amazing game called words with friends on my phone so become very entertained lol xx
Thanks everyone :)

So its day 23 I think and all is ok. Having trouble drinking 3 shakes but making sure I have a multivitamin...
Not had enough water today either, not sure why it just wasn't coming as natural as usual.
Been for another run tonight, only 3 weeks till the big day!
Hope everyone is ok xxx